L'amico Herman Vahramian si è spento a Milano il 27/09/2009. L'Associazione Zatik intende onorarne la memoria con queste pagine.
Messaggio di cordoglio dell'Ambasciata della R.I. dell'Iran presso la Santa Sete
[lingua italiana | lingua farsi]
Messaggio di cordoglio della casa editrice OMME Edizioni
[lingua armena]
Altri messaggi di cordoglio giunti all'Associazione Zatik
[lingua italiana]
note biografiche

Herman Vahramian è nato a Teheran (Iran) nel 1940 da genitori Armeni. E’ cittadino italiano. Vive e lavora a Milano dove si è laureato in Architettura (cum laude) presso il Politecnico di Milano. E’ iscritto all’Oridine dei giornalisti di lombardia. Ha fondato I/COM (1977-1992; Milano: istituto per la ricerca sulle culture non-dominanti), MUSICAM (1981-1992, Monaco di Baviera: istituto per le ricerche sulle musiche non-dominanti) e Oemme Edizioni (1995, Milano-Venezia). E’ autore di numerosi saggi e pubblicazioni nelle culture e delle realtà dei paesi mediorientali. Pittore e sculture. Ha partecipato a diverse mostre pubbliche e private in Italia e Germania.

Works: Color Images of a Founder (Drawing no. 1674); Mirroring Himself over the Golden Sheet of Memoirs (Drawing no. 1279); And thus Spoke the Common Survivor (Drawing no. 1314); Lost Unhappiness and Happiness Unfound (Sculpture no. 1673)
Country: Italy/Iran
Biography: Born in 1940 in Tehran, Iran, of Armenian parents, Herman Vahramian graduated in 1959 from the scientific section of the Armenian Kushesh School of Tehran. In 1960 he moved to Italy and studied at the University of Rome. He continued his studies while working in Milan, graduating with a doctorate in architecture from the Milan Polytechnic University. For the next two years he specialized in town planning and concrete construction, but also had his first exhibition of drawings. In 1977 Vahramian founded I/COM (Institute/Communication for the Preservation of the Legacy of Threatened Cultures) in Milan. In 1981 he established the MUSICAM Institute with Ludwig Bazil in Munich, Germany. In 1985 he established OEMME Edizioni (Publishing House) in Milan. In 1992 Vahramin decided to devote himself full time to his art. He took up art criticism for a number of Italian newspapers in 1994, and is a member of the Italian Union of Journalists. Vahramian is also a researcher and prolific writer on Armenian and Near Eastern architecture with some ten books and 60 articles to his credit. He has received much recognition for his book designs, including "Best Book of the Year" in Berinten, Belgium, for the 1985 title Kambiz.
Further reading:
Vahramian, Herman, Sculture, Museo Archeologico, Milan, 1998.
Beolchi, A., A. Manoukian, O. Rota, La Diaspora della Mente, Milano, 1992 (a series of three interviews with the artist Herman Vahramian).
Ronfani, U., Straniero, Kh. Khatchi, Ararat, Milan, 1977.
Solitario, F.M., Vahramian, Munich, 1975.
Vahramian, Herman. Diaspora della mente: conversazioni con Herman Vahramian. Tranchida.
1. One man shows / Fairs / Catalogues
Mostre personali / Fiere / Cataloghi
2. Group exhibitions / Fairs / Catalogues
Mostre collettive / Fiere / Cataloghi
3. Frescoes / Affreschi
4. Art production 1972 - 2003
Produzione artistica 1972 - 2003
5. Design of books, covers and catalogues
Design di copertine dei libri e cataloghi vari
6. Design of posters, folders, invitations, programs, etc.
Design di manifesti, depliant, inviti e programmi vari
7. Postcards / Cartoline
8. Book - marks / Segnalibri
9. Press illustrations / Disegni satirici
10. Interviews / Interviste
11. Lectures / Conferenze
12. Essays, writings / Saggi, articoli
13. Books, publishing and editing
Libri pubblicati e direzioni editoriali
14. Press review / Arts
Rassegna stampa / Arte
15. Organization of cultural activities,conferences,lectures,exhibitions, concerts, etc.
Organizzazione di attività culturali, convegni, seminari, conferenze, concerti, mostre, ecc.
16. Press review / Books, culture, events
Rassegna stampa / Recensioni dei libri, cultura e vario