Zatik consiglia:
Iniziativa Culturale:




Venezia Agosto 2010

A u g u s t 2010
The intensive summer course of Armenian Language and Culture of the University of Venice (Department of Eurasian Studies, Chair of Armenian Studies), in collaboration with the Cultural Association “Padus-Araxes” and ESU of Venice (Student Homes Administration of Venice) will take place from August 2nd to August 18th. Examinations on August 19th. ARRIVALS: on July 31st and August 1st. DEPARTURES: on August 20th and 21st.
Applications must be done PERSONALLY and BY WRITTEN giving a PHONE and a FAX number, and also an EM address. For acceptance, IT IS NECESSARY to be at least of eighteen years of age.
The course has four basic levels from the Absolute beginners to the Advanced. Lessons take place from Monday to Friday five hours a day in the morning. ATTENDANCE of lessons IS COMPULSORY. Various cultural initiatives will accompany the course.
Also free COURSES OF ARMENIAN DANCE will be offered in the afternoon, to participants who wish to take part.
On August 13th through the 15th, the 25th anniversary of the Course will be celebrated. Details will be announced subsequently.
TUITION FEE is 700 € or its equivalent in other currency. Of this amount 500 € must be sent as a REGISTRATION FEE upon acceptance WITHIN THE DEADLINE OF MARCH 31st. After this date, it will be of 550 €. The total amount will be settled ON THE ARRIVAL DAY in one of the main Western currencies. This payment in full on the arrival day is an ABSOLUTELY BASIC CONDITION FOR ACCESS TO THE LODGEMENT. Money once paid WILL NOT BE REFUNDED for any reason. A 10% DISCOUNT is applied to those who have already attended the course, at least twice, with a good result as well as to one of the close relatives (parents, brothers, husband/wife). International bank checks or money-orders must be MADE OUT ONLY to Associazione Padus-Araxes, and MAILED TO: Assoc. Padus-Araxes - c/o Dipt. Studi Eurasiatici - S. Polo 2035 - 30125 Venezia (Italia). POSTAL CHECKS as well as PERSONAL CHECKS are NOT accepted. ALL CHECKS MUST have the cover of the bank and set on an associated Italian Bank. Those who wish to pay through a BANK TRANSFER will receive the Bank account to which to send their payment. ALL bank charges are at the expenses of the applicant.
A LODGEMENT is offered to the participants at a Student Home in the HISTORIC CENTRE of VENICE. ACCOMODATION FEE for the whole period from July 31st through August 20th included is: € 820 for a single room, € 610 for a double room. Within this period ANY PER DIEM CALCULATION IS NOT ADMITTED for any reason. A LUNCH OR DINNER will cost 8 € to be paid on place.
For INFORMATION fax to +39.041.2414448 or send an EM to . For urgent information CALL at +39.041.2414448 on Monday and Thursday morning from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm., or at +39.347.4562981 at 8-10 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (ITALIAN TIME). BE SURE you have taken into consideration the time difference with your country. In case of eventual absence, leave a CLEAR, UNDERSTANDABLE message to the automatic answering device giving NAME and PHONE NUMBER. You will be called back. Do NOT call for any reason the offices of the University of Venice. The mobile phone can be called at also on Monday and Thursday morning.


A o û t 2010

Le Cours intensif d’été de Langue et Culture Arméniennes de l’Université de Venise (Départements d’Études Eurasiatiques, Chaire de Langue et Littérature Arménienne) en collaboration avec l’Association “Padus-Araxes” et l’ESU de Venise (La Direction des Maisons de l’Étudiant), aura lieu du 2 au 18 Août. Les examens: le 19 Août; ARRIVEES: le 31 Juillet et le 1er Août; DEPARTS: le 20 et le 21 Août. Les demandes doivent être adressées PERSONNELLEMENT et PAR ECRIT indiquant un NUMERO DE TEL., de FAX et de poste électronique. Les candidats DOIVENT avoir au moins dix-huit ans.
Le cours est réparti sur quatre niveaux: des débutants absolus aux avancés. Les leçons sont tenues le matin de Lundi à Vendredi pendant cinq heures. L’ASSIDUITE Y EST OBLIGATOIRE. Des initiatives culturelles variées accompagneront le Cours.
Du 13 au 15 Août des célébrations auront lieu pour le 25ième anniversaire du Cours. Les détails seront rendus publics par la suite.
Le TAUX D’INSCRIPTION est de 700 € ou son équivalent en d’autres devises. De cette somme 500 € doivent être VERSEE A L’AVANCE sur réception de la lettre d’acceptation dans LE DÉLAI DU 31 MARS. Après cette date, la somme requise pour la préinscription sera de 550 €. Le reste devra ABSOLUMENT être réglé le JOUR MEME DE L’ARRIVEE dans une des principales devises occidentales, faute de ne pas avoir accès au logement. NE SONT PAS ACCEPTES DE CHEQUES POSTAUX, des CHEQUES PERSONELS ET TOUT CHEQUE AVEC CIRCULATION LIMITEE A LA FRANCE. Tout cheque DOIT ETRE COUVERT par la Banque et émis sur une Banque italienne associée. Les chèques et les mandats-poste internationaux doivent être émis exclusivement au nom de ASSOCIAZIONE PADUS-ARAXES et adressés à: Assoc. Padus-Araxes - c/o Dipt. Studi Eurasiatici - S. Polo 2035 - 30125 Venezia (Italia). Ceux qui désirent payer par un VIREMENT BANCAIRE, recevront les coordonnées du compte bancaire où faire le virement. TOUT frais bancaire sera chargé à l’envoyeur. La somme une fois versée NE SERA RESTITUEE sous aucun motif. Une REDUCTION de 10% est appliquée pour ceux qui ont déjà suivi le cours, du moins pendant deux saisons, avec un bon résultat, ainsi qu’à l’un des proches parents (géniteurs, frères, époux).
Un LOGEMENT est offert aux participants dans une Maison de l’Etudiant à VENISE même. Le PRIX DU SEJOUR, pour l’entière durée du cours du 1er au 21 Août inclus, est de € 820 pour une chambre individuelle, et de € 610 pour une chambre à deux. AUCUN COMPTE JOURNALIER N’EST PAS ADMIS, pour aucune raison, à l’intérieur de cette période. CHAQUE REPAS aura un prix de 8 €, à payer sur place.
Pour INFORMATIONS, envoyer un fax au No. +39.041.2414448 ou un E-M à . Dans l’urgence, appeler le No. +39.041.2414448 lundi et jeudi matin de 9.30 à 12.30, ou bien au No. +39.347.4562981 Mardi, Mercredi et Vendredi soir de 20 à 22 heures (HEURE ITALIENNE). En cas d’absence, laisser un message CLAIR au répondeur, indiquant nom et numéro de téléphone. ON EST VIVEMENT PRIE de ne pas téléphoner aux bureaux de l’Université. Le téléphone mobile peut-être appelé aussi Lundi et Jeudi matin.

A P P L I C A T I O N F O R M 2010 N.B. This form is to be filled EXACTLY ALSO BY THOSE who have already taken part in the course. Please, write in BLOCK LETTERS and answer ALL questions. FIRST NAME ................................................... LAST NAME .................................................. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH .................................................................................................. ADDRESS .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. TEL. No. .......................................................... FAX No. ........................................................ E-Mail ........................................................................................................................................... CITIZENSHIP .................................................. TRAVEL DOCUMENT N° .............. ............. Place and date of delivery.......................................GENDRE...............M..................F.................. LEVEL OF STUDIES ...................................... PROFESSION ................................................ DATE OF ARRIVAL ....................................... DEPARTURE ................................................ KNOWLEDGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ............................................................................. LEVEL(elem., med., good) ........................................................................................................... KNOWLEDGE OF ARMENIAN: Spoken Written (no/elem./med./good) .................................................................................................................... REASONS OF YOUR INTEREST IN THE ARMENIAN LANGUAGE ....................................... ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE COURSE? ........................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................. MAIN INTERESTS: Language (also old Arm.) History (which period) Literature (which period) Art (which period) ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. ACCOMODATIONS: (July 31st -Aug.20th included) PLEASE, INDICATE YOUR PREFERENCE putting a cross sign next to the chosen system: Single room: ca. 820 € Double room: ca. 610 € EXTRA costs per night after August 20th: (single) 40 € / (double) 35 € WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITIES? One month (no shorter periods) bus/boat pass for urban transportation discount: YES.../NO... INCLUDE: a) 5 (five) PASSPORT photos (PLEASE, WRITE YOUR NAME on the back) b) a curriculum vitae (back of form) c) those who have some knowledge of Armenian, even very elementary, ARE KINDLY REQUESTED to give also an “Armenian version” of their curriculum (c. 10 lines), made BY THEMSELVES, to help establishing their level. UPON ACCEPTANCE, please, BE READY TO SEND 500 € or its equivalent in other currency for registration by March 31st. After this date the registration fee will be 550 € . PLEASE, SEND MONEY ONLY by International money-orders (mandats-poste) or International cheques covered by an associated Italian Bank. DO NOT USE BANK TRANSFER for the high commission rates. In any case all eventual bank expenses as well as extra expenses for long distance communication will be charged to the applicant. C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E N.B. If you know some Armenian, please, write by yourself without others’ help, 10-15 lines also in Armenian.