December 1 |
order of the Turkish government, the Armenian market district
at Van is destroyed by fire with great loss to Armenian property,
goods, and businesses. |
1878 |
victorious in Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Russo-Turkish
Treaty of San Stefano (February 19, 1878) provides for protection
and reforms for Armenians. Great Britain negotiates a secret
Cyprus Convention with Turkey (June 1978) to allow British
to establish bases on Cyprus and to administer Cyprus. In
return, Britain insists Russo-Turkish issues be decided, instead,
by an international conference. The resulting Congress of
Berlin (June 1978) replaces the protective measures of San
Stefano under Article 16 with unsatisfactory and ineffective
provisions for Armenian people under Article 61, and returns
Garin (Erzerum) to Turkey. Russia retains Kars and Ardahan. |
performances are forbidden in Constantinople. The urban Armenian
population of Garin and Arabkir come out against the government. |
August |
special order of the Turkish government, the word "Armenia"
is forbidden for use in official documents. |
June |
"rebel" in Zeitun against oppressive Turkish
taxes. |
1886 |
Turkish government divides Western Armenia administratively
into separate vilayets of Erzerum, Garin, Kharput, Diarbekir,
Dersim, Bitlis (Baghesh), Van, Hekyari and Sivas (Sebastia). |
1888 |
Turkish government orders that all Armenian periodicals and
magazines in Constantinople and Western Armenia be discontinued. |
June 15 |
Armenian demonstration in the district of Gum-Gapu in Constantinople
is drowned in Armenian blood. |
June 18-20 |
provocative actions by Armenians, Turkish armed forces and
Turkish mobs attack Armenians in Garin (Erzerum). Hundreds
of Armenians are killed. |
January |
Armenians of Vardenis in Taron are robbed by Turks and their
village is destroyed. |
1893 |
Abdul Hamid II, known as the Bloody Sultan, suspends the Armenian
National Constitution, and also discontinues the national
parliament in Constantinople, which includes some Armenian
representatives. |
August 20-27 |
Gelie-guzan village massacre, known as the "Gelie-guzan
Hole Carnage" takes place. Here, Turks inaugurate
the system of slaughtering unarmed people, which later was
the prototype for Hitler’s concentration camps. |
August 25-30 |
Gebin Mount carnage is inflicted when the Turkish army manages
to force Armenian women, children and old men to leave Andok
for the forest on the bottom of mountain. The army ignites
the forest and burns the Armenians alive. Note: This is a
harbinger of the extermination of future victims by burning
them alive in stables and other large storage facilities. |
August |
Armenians are killed and 74 Armenian villages are destroyed
in Sassun. |
August - October |
refuse to pay illegal taxes to Kurdish irregular forces in
Sassun. Unrest in the vilayet of Bitlis, near Mush. Revolt
in Sassun. Attempted uprising against Kurdish oppression is
followed by massacres in Sassun. A joint report published
on July 28, 1895 by the Commission of Inquiry created by the
initiative of the Great Powers, estimates the number of victims
at 5,000. |
May 11 |
of six countries present the Turkish Sultan Abdul Hamid II
a special note describing the disastrous conditions of Armenia
and demand the Turkish government to carry out improvements.
August |
memorandum presented by Britain, France and Russia to the
Sultan, pointing out the disastrous situation in the Armenian
provinces and urging him to proceed with the reforms. The
Imperial Turkish Government replies in August 1895 and promises
to carry out the reforms specified in Article 61 of the Treaty
of Berlin (1978). |
September 30 |
of Armenians in Baberd at the hands of the Turks. |
September 30, October |
the Bab Ali section of Constantinople, Armenians carry out
a peaceful demonstration. The Turks set upon killing Armenians.
2000 Armenians die. Protests by the Great Powers by joint
note from three ambassadors (French, British and Russian)
on October 13-15 demand reforms. On October 31 a decree is
issued, providing for reforms. |
October 5 |
obliteration of Armenians takes place in Trebizond and its
villages. Armenians of Sassun share the same fate. |
October 7 |
of Derjan province are slaughtered by the Turks. |
October 8 |
of Armenians by Turks begin in the vilayet of Trebizond as
confirmed by the report of Gillieres, the French Consul in
Trebizond. |
October 9 |
carnage of Armenians at Erzingan and Kamakh by the Turks. |
October 10 |
Kghi province more than 1000 Armenians are killed, and dozens
of villages destroyed. In Bitlis, 102 villages are destroyed.
On the same day the carnage of Armenians at Charsanjak and
in its villages begins, taking almost 700 lives. In Balu,
the body count of Armenian victims reaches 1200, Arabkir –
2800, Torgom – 500 |
October 13 |
of the Armenians in Baghesh are killed by the Turks. |
October 16 |
in Yedesia is attacked and in spite of persistent defense,
the Turkish army and the Turkish mob succeed in slaying around
10,000 Armenians. On the same day, the Turks inflict similiar
carnage in Shapin-Garahisar. 2000 Armenians are slain in the
town and 3000 in 30 villages. |
October 21 |
Armenian population in Erzingan, a town of Erzerum vilayet,
is slaughtered by the Turks. 1000 Armenians are killed. |
October 23 |
Armenians of Malatia are killed. 1000 houses are burned. |
October 25 |
follow in Bitlis, in the vilayet of Bitlis. |
October 26 |
the entire Armenian population of Kharput is slaughtered by
the Turks. The body count exceeds 4000. Mass massacres take
place in Bayburd, vilayet of Erzerum. 165 villages are destroyed. |
October 27-28 |
in Urfa, vilayet of Aleppo, the first by the Hamidie Kurdish
regiments organized by the Turks for this purpose, confirmed
by the report of the British consul, Fitzmaurice, dated March
16, 1896. |
October 30 |
in Erzerum, vilayet of Erzerum. 400 killed by the Turkish
mob and soldiers. |
October 31 |
occur in Garin and in the vilayet of Erzerum. Around 2000
Armenians are killed; 43 villages are destroyed. |
October |
massacres of Armenians by Turks in Constantinople and Trebizond. |
November 1 |
carnage begins. 1000 Armenians are killed in the town and
30,000 more in the villages. 119 villages are destroyed. Massacres
in Arabkir, vilayet of Kharput. 2,800 dead. Massacres in Diarbekir,
vilayet of Diarbekir. Confirmed by a telegram of Meyrier,
the French consul in Diarbekir, sent on November 3 to P. Cambon,
the French ambassador in Constantinople. He estimates incorrectly:
5000 dead. 119 villages are pillaged and set on fire. |
November 3 |
the whole Armenian population in Marzvan, around 700 people,
are killed by the Turks. |
November 4 |
killed in the vilayet of Kharput by the Turks. |
November 10 |
Turkish army attacks on Van take place. The city of Van, in
the vilayet of Van, is attacked by the Turkish Hamidie forces.
Forced conversions to Islam in Kharput, vilayet of Kharput. |
November 11 |
army attacks the town of Balu, in the vilayet of Kharput.
It results in 1680 Armenian deaths. Turkey proclaims a holy
war (Djihad). |
November 12 |
kill 1,500 Armenians in the vilayet of Sivas, and an equal
number in Gurun. |
November 15-17 |
of Sultan destroy Aintab in the vilayet of Aleppo and kill
1500 Armenians. |
November 18 |
in Marash, vilayet of Aleppo. 1,000 Armenians are killed. |
November 18-20 |
villages around the city of Van are robbed and pillaged. |
November 28 |
Zklus, 200 Armenians are killed; in Amasia, 100; and in Aleppo,
1000. |
December |
of the villages of Norduz, Hayots Dzor, Gavash and Karchevan
in the vilayet of Bitlis are set upon by fire and sword. 100
villages are destroyed. On December 28 in the town of Ourfa
(Yedesia), 8000 Armenians are slaughtered. 100 villages around
Mush, vilayet of Bitlis, are destroyed. |
December 28 |
battalion of Turkish-led Hamidie forces, proceeding from Aleppo,
encircles the town of Urfa. Massacres on the following day
kill 8,000 Armenians. This is confirmed by the above-mentioned
report of the British consul, Fitzmaurice, dated March 16,
1896, as well as by the French consul. |
Estimates |
of the figures mentioned through 1895 come to a total of 150,000
to 300,000 dead, to which must be added some 150,000 forced
conversions and some 100,000 emigrants forced to flee. The
report written by the agents of the European Powers estimate
28,000 killed just in the localities where representatives
of foreign nations were present. |
population of Van and nearby villages is destroyed. The major
Armenian population of Sgherdi is decimated and survivors
are forcibly converted to Islam. In 40 villages of Khizan,
400 people, and in 20 villages of Mamrzank 160 people are
slain, and the others are converted to Islam forcibly. All
Armenian villages of Shatakh are devastated and turned to
ruins. 11 villages of Gyumushkhane are destroyed and most
of their population slain. |
Middle of June |
break their vow and near St. Bartholemew Church, attack Armenians
in Van seeking to defend themselves, murdering 1500 people.
The survivors flee to Persia. |
August 26 |
group of Armenian militants of the Dashnak Party occupies
the Ottoman Bank in Constantinople in order to gain the attention
of foreign powers to the oppression of the Armenians. Achieving
their purpose, they leave the bank in the evening and are
picked up by boat and taken to France. Much attention is aroused
in the Western capitals. However, this action results in a
massacre in Constantinople, on August 27, killing approximately
7,000 Armenian victims. |
August 28 |
of the Great Powers send a telegram of protest to the Ottoman
authorities. |
September 2 |
population of Agn is destroyed. Half the houses in the city
are burned. Joint verbal note of protest issued by the Great
Powers, accusing the Sublime Porte directly. |
September 3 |
the city of Mush and its villages, 250 Armenians are killed
by the Turks. |
November 10 |
Agn’s Binkaya village, 250 Armenians are killed. Of
the 250 houses there, only 12 houses remain standing. |
- 1896 |
Armenians become the victims of the carnages inflicted by
the Turks. In addition, almost as many flee the country. |
and children are cut down by sword in Sassun’s Spaghanak
villages by sudden attacks late at night. |
Armenians are slain in Sassun by the Turks. |
outbreaks in Adana (in Cilicia) and in near-by towns, in an
attempted counter-revolution by Turks supporting the Sultan.
They are soon squelched. |
July |
coup in Salonica by the Young Turk movement (the Union and
Progress Party). There begins a brief period of collaboration
among Turks, Armenians and other minorities. The subsequent
massacres in Adana do not shake this new-found cooperation. |
July 24 |
Ottoman Constitution is proclaimed. |
Armenians are slaughtered in Adana, Tarsus and other towns
of Cilicia. The Turkish army bears direct responsibility,
but the Armenian community is willing to consider it as an
isolated incident, and to continue to trust the Young Turks
until further events prove otherwise. |
Turkey, the triumvirate of Enver, Talaat and Jemal Pasha heads
the government. |
the combined influence of Russia and Great Britain, the Turkish
authorities sign the Armenian Reform Project and agree to
take certain measures in favor of the Armenian population.The
Dutch, Westemeck, and the Norwegian, Hoft, are appointed as
General Inspectors of the Armenian provinces, but they are
rendered ineffective. The promised measures are not implemented. |
- beginning of 1915 |
Armenian Patriarchate in Constantinople estimates the Armenian
population in Turkey at 2,100,000. World War I begins July
1914. Loyally, the Armenians participate in the war effort.
Mobilization of the entire population, including Armenians,
is decreed and the Armenians of Turkey take part in the war
on the Caucasian and Western fronts. Immediately preceding
the war, the Armenian population is neutral because a number
of Armenians in Russia is mobilized on the Russian side, and
a natural desire to avoid a fratricidal war. Some Armenian
presence in the Russian Army will become an argument used
by the Turkish authorities in their attempt to justify the
measures they took later to destroy the Armenian people. |
is disastrously defeated in Sarikamish at the hands of Russian
troops, marking a failure of his Pan-Turanian plans. The Turkish
authorities decree the demobilization and disarmament of the
Armenians. The Armenians are grouped into small work battalions
used for garbage details and similar tasks. The Armenian soldiers
in the Turkish army, under the pretext of work details, are
marched and killed in cold blood or used for target practice. |
January 13 |
Kerensky, a member of the National Council of Russia and later
briefly to be the leader of Russia, in a report, describes
the astounding plight of Armenian refugees. He declares that
when the Turkish attacks on Russian territory began, rivers
of Armenian refugees stretched to the North… "That
was not an escape, it was the great demise of a whole nation". |
February 13 |
Armenian deputies of the Ottoman Assembly submit a note concerning
the massacres and executions of several such battalions. |
February 26 |
Minister Enver convenes 75 top ranking Ittihadists. This secret
meeting finalizes the details of the plan to carry out a genocide
of the Armenians. Evidence indicates that the decision to
carry out the Genocide was made some years earlier. |
April 8 |
process of removing the Armenian population of Zeitun commences.
Taking advantage of the defense staged by a group of young
Armenians, the Turkish army invades Zeitun, with the assistance
of local Turks, to re-establish control. The mass deportation
and massacres of Armenian inhabitants of the entire region
is immediately organized. This mountainous region had always
preserved a quasi-autonomy. |
April 15 |
Enver and Nazem send a secret order to the local governments
for the removal and extermination of Armenians in Turkey. |
April 15-18 |
the Armenian population of Van is fleeing to Russia because
of the evacuation of the Russian army, the Turkish forces
attack villages of the vilayet. They destroy 80 villages and
slay 24,000 Armenians in the vilayet and city of Van. The
Turks accuse the Armenians of collaboration with the Russian
troops. |
April 20 |
the news of the massacres, the mostly Armenian population
of Van takes to the barricades. The Turkish authorities will
also use this incident on the Caucasian front and the resistance
of the Armenians as a pretext to justify the measures of deportation
(and massacre) they are about to inflict. |
April 20 - May 19 |
remaining Armenians of Van try to defend themselves from the
overwhelming Turkish forces. |
April 24 |
Armenian leaders, writers and intellectuals are arrested in
Constantinople and murdered. The barbaric Armenian genocide
begins. This is a most important date for all Armenians today.
It represents the date for commemorating the Armenian Genocide
each year throughout the world. |
April 27-30 |
forced removal and deportation of Dyurt Yol’s Armenian
population begins. |
May 15 |
forces begin the process of removal and deportation of the
Armenian population from villages in the vilayet of Erzerum. |
May 16 |
of May 16, 1915 is enacted with "instructions pertaining
to property and real estate abandoned by the deported Armenians,
consequences of the war and unusual political circumstances".
This law provides for the installation of Turkish refugees
in the homes and on the lands belonging to the Armenians. |
May 24 |
governments of England, France and Russia jointly warn the
Turkish government publicly that "They will hold
personally responsible... all members of the Ottoman government
and those of their agents who are implicated in such massacres".
This is the first time in the international arena three large
countries publicly characterize the Turkish actions against
Armenians as crimes against "humanity and civilization"
for which "personal responsibility is laid on every
member of the Turkish government who participated in the carnages".
The communique of the Allied Powers of the Entente, published
by the Havas news agency, accuses the Ottoman Turkish government
directly for the massacres against the Armenian population. |
May 27 |
law of May 27, 1915 is enacted concerning the "displacement
of suspected persons". This law empowers army officers
to relocate populations upon the simple suspicion of treason
or for military reasons. |
June 1 |
Armenian soldiers in the Turkish army are massacred in Balu,
vilayet of Diarbekir. |
June 10 |
supplementary law is enacted regarding reporting property
of deportees. See entry under September 26 as to supplementary
law adopted September 26, 1915. |
June 12 - July 3 |
armies slay or remove Armenians of Shapin Garahisar, who tried
to defend themselves. |
June 15 |
leaders of the Hnchukyan Party are hanged publicly in Constantinople. |
June 24 |
and deportations of the inhabitants of Shabin Karahissar begin. |
June 25 |
removal and deportation of the Armenians of the city of Sivas
begin. |
June 26 |
removal of the Armenian population of Kharput and Trebizond
vilayets are commenced by the Turkish army. Photocopy of the
original deportation order (written in old Turkish with Arabic
characters) is to be found in the Archives of the United States
State Department in Washington, DC. |
June 27 |
removals and deportations of Armenians begin in Samsun. |
July 1 |
and Armenians are deported from Medzpin (Nisibe), Tel-Ermen
(Hill of the Armenians), Bitlis, vilayet of Bitlis, Mardin
and surrounding regions. |
July 3 |
massacre begins of the Armenian population of Mush, Sassun
and Bitlis vilayets begins. |
July 10 |
Armenian population of Malatia is deported.
July 13 |
of Musa mountain begins. The heroic band of Armenians is later
vividly depicted in the best-selling novel "Forty Days
of Musa Dagh" by Franz Werfel. |
July 27 |
Armenian population of Cilicia and Antioch is deported. |
July 28 |
removal of the Armenian population of the Cilician cities,
Aintab and Qilise, is carried out. In Great Britain's House
of Lords, in answer to Viscount James Bryce’s question
concerning the slaughter of Christians in Armenia, the president
of the Military Council, Lord Grew declares that the information
received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that the
Turkish crimes are increasing both in numbers and in violence.
Lord Grew declares that "all those mass carnages
and violent removals are engaged under the pretext of forced
transmigration". |
July 29 |
begin from Aintab and Kilisse, in Cilicia. |
July 30 |
begin from Suedia, in Cilicia. |
August 16 |
begin from Marash in Cilicia and Konia in western Asia Minor. |
August 10-19 |
and deportations begin of Armenians from Smyrna (Nikodemia),
Brusa, Bartizak, Adabazar and surrounding areas. |
August 19 |
and deportation begin of Armenian population of Urfa in Yedesia. |
September 15 |
Minister of Interior, Talaat Pasha, cables to the Aleppo Prefecture
the confirmation of the previously transmitted order for removal
of Armenians and their final elimination. The original of
this cable is reproduced in the book of A. Andonian "The
Memoirs of Naim Bey (The Genocide of the Armenians by the
Turks). With a New Preface by the Armenian Historical Association",
Documentary Series, Vol. I, Great Britain, Reprint 1964, 83
pp. Exhibit No. 3 at the trial of Soghomon Tehlirian, authenticated
by the German Court. (At a trial before a Berlin court in
1921, following the assassination of Talaat by Tehlirian,
Tehlirian was acquitted by the Court because of the circumstances.) |
September 15 |
Governor of Diarbekir, sends cable to Talaat, the Minister
of the Interior, announcing that the number of Armenians "expelled"
from Diarbekir has reached 120,000. |
September 26 |
law concerning the property, debts and receivables of persons
relocated elsewhere" is adopted. This law provides
for the liquidation of debts and receivables of displaced
persons (Armenians). A special commission is "charged"
with holding the proceeds of sales in escrow. The German Foreign
Office summarized this law as compressed to provide "1.
All goods of the Armenians are confiscated. 2.
The Governments will cash in the credits of the deportees
and will repay (will not repay) their debts". |
September 30 & October 7 |
Bern, Switzerland, at its Central Hall, public meetings are
held deploring the ongoing Armenian tragedy. |
October |
famous German and Italian civilians in Switzerland, including
scientists, journalists and public figures publish "The
Call" both in French and German, in defense of the
Armenian people. |
Note |
in Switzerland, in many other places all over the world, there
were many, many public meetings of protest and countless public
statements by various heads of state and other officials condemning
the Turkish massacres and deportations of the Armenians, threatening
the Turks responsible with appropriate punishment and promising
justice and territorial and/or monetary restitution for the
Armenians. The statements and meetings referred to in this
chronology are but a tiny sample. |
October 6 |
Great Britain’s House of Lords, Lord James Bryce denounces
the Turkish murderous campaign against the Armenians. He declares
the time has passed when any harm could be caused by public
statements and the more complete the statements, the more
good it may bring, because it remains the only chance of preventing
these carnages from continuing, if they are not over yet.
It is a pity, he says, that his information from several sources
indicates that the number of victims is very large. It is
considered to be 800,000 as of then. He states that there
is no commandment in Islam that can justify such slaughters.
He urges every effort be made to send help for the poor, wretched
survivors, hundreds of which are dying of starvation and disease.
"That is all that we can do now in England and let
us do it and do it swiftly". |
October 12 |
Great Britain’s House of Commons, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Edward Grey declares "All the information
concerning the carnages of Armenians in Turkey became public.
Only two feelings can describe it – horror and disturbance". |
November 16 |
the government spokesman for questions from members of the
House of Commons, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lord R.
Cecil declares that Turkey intended not to punish the Armenian
race, but to destroy it. That was the only goal. |
November 16 |
Paris at the "American Club", a public
meeting urges help to alleviate the Armenian suffering. |
December 12 |
Minister of the Interior, sends a telegram to the Prefecture
of Aleppo. He states that in view of the rather compassionate
attitude of certain valis with respect to orphans, the order
is given that the orphans be sent away with the caravans,
with the exception of the very young ones unable to remember
the atrocities. The original cable is reproduced in said Andonian's
book "The Memoirs of Naim Bey (The Genocide of the
Armenians by the Turks)". |
Germany’s Reichstag, deputy Karl Libknecht, an international
socialist figure, directs a question to the Vice Chancellor,
as to whether he is aware that in Turkey, their ally, thousands
of Armenian citizens have been removed from their homes and
exterminated. He demands that the German government forbid
the Turks from further terrifying actions against the remaining
Armenian population. |
February 9 |
United States Senate votes (with the concurrence of the House
of Representatives) to ask the President of the United States
of America to set a special day when citizens of this country
can help Armenians with financial support, considering that
many of them, being in the country that was at war, were forced
to leave their houses and belongings without any opportunity
to care even for their primal needs, are afflicted with hunger,
disease and untold sufferings. President Wilson designates
August 21 and August 22 for making contributions for the suffering
Armenians. |
February 9 |
the Russian Duma, Minister of Foreign Affairs S.D. Sazonov
declares "I have mentioned before about the awful
sufferings of that wretched race. Under the tacit assent of
its ally, Germany, the Turks hoped to bring alive their desire
to exterminate the entire Armenian race..." |
March 7 |
Minister of the Interior, sends a cable to the Aleppo Prefecture,
ordering the extermination of children at military installations. |
April 9 |
to Armenia" gathering takes place in Paris’
Sorbonne University, attracting thousands of people. Speaking
at that gathering, France’s Minister of Education declares
that "For more than a year carnages paint Armenia
red in blood and have surpassed other crimes in scale and
in violence. Germany can be proud of its horrid deeds".
At the same program, the opening words of the president of
the National Council of France, Paul Deshnanel, firmly condemns
the slaughter of Armenians at the hands of the Turkish executioners. |
July 29 |
company is formed in Paris, members of which are ministers
of the French government, senators, deputies, Georges Clemenceau,
writer Anatole France and other dignitaries. |
August 19 |
abolishes the national Armenian constitution of 1863, in violation
of Article 61 of the Treaty of Berlin concerning religious
freedom. |
November 16 |
Berlin’s Missionary Union, Doctor Karl Accenfeld sends
a statement to the German Chancellor Bettman-Holveg in which
he asserts "In neutral countries large accusations
are spreading against Germany about not only calmly watching,
but also helping to realize the extinction of a whole Christian
race". |
a special decree/law the government of Turkey condemns the
1978 Treaty of Berlin and especially Article 61. |
March 29 |
Stockholm, a large meeting takes place dedicated to repudiation
of the mass murder of Armenians. The members of the meeting
deplore the insensitivity of Sweden towards Armenians. |
November 6 |
Great Britain’s House of Commons, Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Arthur Balfour declares "Do we need to ignore
that Armenia should be given back, as respected gentlemen
wish to give it back with their formula, under the reign of
Turkey. I don’t want to ruin the Turkish community –
consisting of Turks, in Turkish fitting style, commanding
the Turks. No, our constant goal is the emancipation of non-Turks
from Turkish governance. What is imperialistic in wishing
to see Poland independent, Armenia liberated from Turks, Alsace
Lorraine rejoined to France, to see Italy having its own population,
language, area and civilization". |
December 4 |
in the Congress of the United States, President Wilson states
"We hope to provide the right and opportunity for
people living in the Turkish Empire to make their lives safe
and their fate secure from aggression and injustice, orders
of foreign courts and parties". |
the name of the "Germano - Armenian community",
Paul Rorbach, Edward Kir and Martin Rade urge the government
of Germany to promote autonomy for Armenia. |
January 8 |
Wilson’s Declaration of Fourteen Points is published.
The 12th Point extends promise to the
Armenians of security of life and an unmolested opportunity
for autonomous development. |
March |
of Brest-Litovsk is signed between Russia and Turkey after
Russia's withdrawal brought about by the Russian Revolution.
Turkish invasion of Russian Armenia causes more killings of
Armenians including those fleeing from Turkish Armenia. Fighting
continues on the Caucasian front involving Armenian units. |
May 28 |
Armenian National Council, of necessity to fill a vacuum,
announces itself the supreme and only administrative body
for the comparatively small remaining territory in what was
Russian Armenia. Such words as "independence"
or "republic" are intentionally avoided
pending the outcome of a nearby battle with the invading Turkish
forces (which the Armenians do win). |
June 4 |
Batum, the Treaty of Peace and Friendship is signed between
Ottoman Turkey and the Republic of Armenia, proclaiming, hollowly,
peace and eternal friendship. It provided, among other terms,
detailed provisions dealing with conduct at or near their
common boundary. |
mid-October |
States Congressman Edward Little presents a resolution to
the Congress advocating that the "Armenian people
have the right to be free and independent, have an outlet
to the sea and be the masters of the Christian culture for
which their sons had been sacrificed". |
October 30 |
armistice of Moudros ends the war between the Allies and Turkey.
Global estimates of the campaign of extermination: close to
1,500,000 Armenians dead. |
November |
Turkey recognizes the small Armenian Republic whose territory
consists only of a small fraction of former Armenian lands.
Turkey also cedes to it the vilayets of Kars and Ardahan the
following year. This transfer proves to be only temporary. |
November 13 |
Great Britain’s House of Lords, James Bryce, speaking
about Armenia and Cilicia, severely criticizes the Turkish
government. He states in part: "As Your Highness
and Lords already know, the present Turkish government includes
people that were involved in the astonishing carnages (that
happened in 1915). Every respected Lord that wants to refresh
his memory can read the Blue Book published by the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs in 1916, in which you’ll find the
description of the awful massacres that are written in history
everywhere, in spite of all the attempts not to allow or justify
them. Not only is Talaat Pasha in the group of criminals that
created the Union and Progress Committee, but also others
who still are active in the present Turkish government must
take the responsibility for those carnages". |
December 10 |
States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge presented a proposal for
the Senate to express the view that Armenia, including the
six vilayets in Turkey and Cilicia should be independent and
the peace conference should help Armenia to create an independent
republic. While Lodge was very sympathetic to the Armenian
cause, he later opposed the United States accepting a mandate
of Armenia to avoid possible military involvement. |
the order of Sultan Mahmed VI it was ordered that the First,
Second and Third Military Tribunals prosecute criminally the
leaders of the "Young Turks" and other
implicated members of the government. |
April 8 |
Military Tribunal finds a number of Turkish leaders guilty
of carnages in the Yozkhat area. The Court finds that Kemal
Bey ordered the Moslems of the area to eliminate all the Armenian
population, and sentences him to death. |
April 27 |
Constantinople, the trial begins of members of the Union and
Progress Party, and other leaders of the Turkish government.
The trial continues until June 26, 1919. |
May 22 |
special Military Court tries the organizers of deportations
and slaughter in Trebizond and punishes eight as criminals. |
May 28 |
secret order of the British Military Government, 77 Turkish
criminals are transferred from a prison at Constantinople
to Malta and their convictions are expunged. |
June 25 |
the name of the the Supreme Allied Council, Georges Clemenceau
declares at the Peace Conference that Turkey officially has
accepted guilt for the Armenian massacres. |
July 5 |
the trial of the Unionists (these were the members of the
Union and Progress Committee, in power since 1909), Talaat
Pasha, Enver Pasha, Djemal Pasha and Dr. Nazim "are
adjudged to be the principal criminals and their guilt has
been decided by unanimous vote". All four are sentenced
to death in absentia. It is to be noted that this trial took
place during the period Constantinople was occupied by the
Allied armies. |
October 17 |
Supreme Council of the Allies, at the San Remo Conference,
proposes that the United States accept a mandate over Armenia.
January 13 and for months following |
other trials take place in Constantinople and a number of
Turkish officials and Young Turks are convicted and sentenced
to death for their involvement in the crimes against the Armenian
people. |
February |
forces in post-war occupation of Cilicia unexpectedly withdraw.
Turks take advantage of the opportunity and kill 30,000 Armenians. |
May 24 |
President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, asks the Congress
to give him the right to accept a mandate over Armenia and
send troops there. Ultimately, the United States decides not
to accept a mandate because of the inherent risks, even though
still widely sympathetic to the Armenian cause. |
August 10 |
Treaty of Sevres, signed by Turkey, Britain, France, Italy,
Japan, Armenia, Belgium, Greece, Lebanon, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Serbian-Croatian-Slovenic Republic and Czechoslovakia,
recognizes the Armenian Republic and ordains that the borders
between Turkey and Armenia in the vilayets of Erzerum, Trebizond,
Van and Bitlis be determined by President Wilson. According
to the peace agreement, Turkey accepts its responsibility
for the crimes against the Armenians during the war and undertakes
the obligation to compensate for the losses sustained by the
Armenians. It also agrees to hand over to the Allies the persons
responsible for the massacres. President Wilson appoints a
commision which sets the boundaries of a much expanded Armenia,
including significant seacoast, but all to naught. The Treaty
of Sevres is never carried out. It was repudiated by Turkey
and eventually replaced by the Treaty of Lausanne, which had
no provisions dealing with Armenia. |
independent Armenian Republic, in existence since May 28,
1918, is tranformed into the Soviet Socialist Republic of
Armenia. |
Ataturk's forces seize and set fire to the city of Smyrna
and engage in a rampage, killing Greeks and Armenians. 150,000
perish. |
Turkey enacts the law of "abandoned property"
which provides for the confiscation of all property abandoned
by Armenians absent from the country, regardless of the date,
reason or conditions of their departure. |
July 24 |
Treaty of Lausanne is signed by the new Republic of Turkey
and the Great Powers. The Treaty recognizes full Turkish sovereignty
over all its territory, and contains no provisions about Armenia.
Winston Churchill has written: "In the Treaty of
Lausanne, which re-establishes peace between Turkey and the
Allies, history will search in vain for the word Armenia". |
September |
adopts a law which prohibits the return of Armenians who left
Cilicia or any of the eastern vilayets whether or not they
had left voluntarily. |