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ANSA >>>>2007-01-20 16:01 ERDOGAN: DINK ERA FIGLIO DI QUESTA TERRA ISTANBUL - Il premier turco Tayyip Erdogan ha ribadito oggi la volontà del suo governo di smascherare i "provocatori" responsabili dell'omicidio del giornalista di origine armena Hrant Dink. Dink, che si batteva per il riconoscimento del genocidio degli armeni, è stato ucciso ieri ad Istanbul. La polizia ha fermato otto persone sospette. "Come nazione stiamo subendo un'odiosa provocazione. Io dichiaro ancora una volta, come risposta ai provocatori che hanno le mani sporche di sangue, che i proiettili sparati contro Hrant Dink sono stati sparati contro tutti noi", ha affermato Erdogan. "Hrant Dink era figlio di questa terra", ha concluso il capo del governo turco.

Parlando ad una riunione di quadri del suo partito, il filoislamico Akp (Giustizia e sviluppo), Erdogan ha poi sottolineato che "noi, come governo, siamo coscienti della nostra responsabilità e di questo stiamo facendo una priorità assoluta". Erdogan ha quindi invitato tutti i presenti alla riunione a pregare per la stabilità della Turchia.

>>>>Identificato uccisore di Hrant Dink Si chiama Ogun Samas, a denunciarlo sarebbe stato il padre (ANSA) - ISTANBUL, 20 GEN - E' stato identificato l'assassino di Hrant Dink. Secondo i media turchi, Ogun Samas sarebbe stato identificato su denuncia del padre. Il padre stesso e' stato fermato per interrogatori, e oltre a lui, sono state fermate altre dieci persone di Trabzon, che ora saranno trasferite ad Istanbul per essere interrogate. Il giovane killer, che dovrebbe avere circa 25 anni, non e' stato ancora rintracciato. Il giornalista turco-armeno Hrant Dink e' stato freddato ieri con tre colpi alla testa.

>>>>>>2007-01-20 22:54 Arrestato l'omicida di Hrant Dink Identificato come Ogun Samast su denuncia del padre (ANSA) - ISTANBUL, 20 GEN - La polizia turca ha arrestato stasera il presunto uccisore del giornalista turco di origine armena Hrant Dink. Lo hanno annunciato la tv turca Ntc e la Cnn turca.Il giovane e' stato arrestato a Samsun,dove si era rifugiato.Ogun Samast,nativo di Trabzon,era giunto a Istanbul 4 giorni fa ed era stato ospitato da uno zio,anch'egli arrestato.Il padre lo ha riconosciuto sulla base delle foto diffuse dalla polizia. Fermate nel frattempo altre 10 persone di Trabzon.

>>>>>Dink murder draws anger and condemnation Human Rights Association Chairman Yusuf Alataş: I am in shock. Dink is a man of peace, democracy, tolerance and love. The target is democracy, human rights, peace. Some dark power centers decided to move forward because they don't want to see a positive atmosphere in Turkey. But we should not be a part of this provocation and hold the peace more than ever.

>>>>Dink murder draws anger and condemnation Human Rights Association Chairman Yusuf Alataş: I am in shock. Dink is a man of peace, democracy, tolerance and love. The target is democracy, human rights, peace. Some dark power centers decided to move forward because they don't want to see a positive atmosphere in Turkey. But we should not be a part of this provocation and hold the peace more than ever.

AK Party deputy Turhan Çömez, who visited Armenia and gave several lectures in Turkey and abroad on the disputed Armenian massacre claims:
I am in grief. I have no doubt that this murder has been committed by the dark power centers who want to harm the peace in Turkey. I am sure everything will be done to catch those responsible. I urge Turkey, the Armenian diaspora and the Armenians in Armenia to keep common sense. The bullets against a Turkish citizen Armenian actually targeted Turkey.
Samson Ozararat, Black Sea Economic Cooperation, Armenia Business Council Chairman and adviser to Armenian Foreign Ministry: I am in grief. Hrant was a good person. He wanted to have a more democratic Turkey. The target was everyone who wished to have better conditions in Turkey.
Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu, Grand Unity Party chairman: Dark powers are once again on the stage. This can be an extension of anything from pushing Turkey to the edge, to facilitating the passing of the Armenian genocide resolution in the American Congress. No reason is acceptable to justify the killing of a human being, of whatever ethnic origin, ideology or faith he or she may be. I am full of sorrow. I am deeply sorry for the deceased and for my country. Turkey does not deserve this.
Eyüp Fatsa, deputy parliamentary group chairman of the AK Party: My sorrow is unbearable. You may be against the ideas of people. But this does not justify shooting these people. Today, Turkey is no longer in an age of solving the problems by bullets. You should contest ideas only with ideas. My deepest sympathies and condolences go first of all to our Armenian citizens and to the Agos newspaper. I denounce this event with all my heart.
Emin Şirin, parliamentarian, Young Party: Would slaughtering Hrant Dink eliminate his ideas? I have never agreed with Dink's ideas. But I have always admired his courage and democratic personality. The killing of a man like Hrant Dink, who has always expressed his ideas openly and invited people to dialogue, is a shame for this country.

Assassin caught in assassination of Hrant Dink, Chief Editor of AGOS The assassin was turned in by his father, picked up at Samsun
The suspect in the assassination of Agos daily editor Hrant Dink was caught in Samsun 32 hours after the shooting, when his father reported him to the police.


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