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19 02 2007 - Hurriyet
Ana sayfa Monday, February 19, 2007 23:26 ( Anet Melikian)
Diaspora insurance payments
The former head of the Turkish-American Foundation Assembly (ATAA), Ercument Kilic, has warned that Turkey could face heavy recompensation payments to Armenia in coming years.

Asserting that Armenia's aim in backing bills calling for the official recognition of the so-called Armenian genocide was to receive monetary recompensation, Kilic noted that certain American insurance firms had already begun to pay out recompensation to Armenians claiming loss as a result of genocide, and that these payments would continue. Kilic maintains that the large insurance firms paying out Armenian claims even now will later turn to Turkey for recompensation for their financial losses. Kilic also indicated that applications from Armenians to web sites such as were already flowing in, and that the inevitable result would be pressure by banking and insurance lobbies on Turkey to back these claims.


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