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14 03 2007 - Caucaso - Difesa antimissilistica USA ?
Difesa antimissilistica Usa anche nel Caucaso?
Il governo dell'Armenia lo nega ma, anche se Georgia ed Azerbaijan non stanno trattando con Washington, rimane l'impressione di un allargamento della nuova
"cintura verde" dalla Polonia e Cekia verso il Caucaso, dove i governi locali mantengono legami sia con la Russia (CSTO) sia con la Nato. Ciò sarebbe
confermato dalla intenzione di impiantare nella stessa zona una base radar, come dichiara un ufficiale del Pentagono (cfr. sotto Ria Novosti). L'intenzione
mediatica è evidente: tenere sotto pressione l'Iran, mostrando la capacità di accerchiare Teheran da più lati. Dal punto di vista militare e di intelligence
bisognerà aspettare, prima di capire la reale portata dell'esportazione del sistema antimissili a pochi chilometri dal confine iraniano.

YEREVAN, March 9 (RIA Novosti) - Armenia's deputy foreign minister said Friday the Caucasus state was not considering the possibility of deploying elements of a U.S. missile defense system on its soil.

A senior Pentagon official said March 1 that the United States would like to deploy a radar base in the post-Soviet Caucasus, without specifying in which
country. The statement further strained relations with Moscow already unnerved by earlier reports of U.S. plans to deploy elements of a missile shield in
Central Europe.
"I would like to make an official statement that we have not received any inquiries or proposals on that score from the U.S. or NATO commanders," Arman
Kirakosyan said.
He said Armenia's Foreign Ministry was unaware whether such proposals had been made to Georgia and Azerbaijan, the ex-Soviet states in the region that Russia has singled out as the most probable sites for a U.S. radar.
Both Georgia and Azerbaijan have said they know nothing of the plans.
Kirakosyan said Washington was unlikely to approach Yerevan with such a proposal in the future. Armenia is a member of a post-Soviet security group, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, which is dominated by Russia and believed to have been created as a way of preventing NATO's further eastward expansion.
The Caucasus state has also sought closer ties with NATO under an individual partnership program, which envisions joint exercises and training for the
Armenian military.
But in Armenia's territorial conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, the alliance has tended to back the latter, saying that the region is under Armenian "military occupation." Conversely, Moscow is more supportive of Armenia on the issue.
L'Iran ha emesso una nuova serie di banconote, con in effigie il simbolo iconico della radioattività. Una aperta sfida all'Occidente, come scrive
Con la scusa di Ataturk la Turchia oscura internet
Sigilli a YouTube per un video satirico. Sullo sfondo, l’eterna “guerra fredda” con la Grecia
da LaPadania del 14-3-07


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