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Iniziativa Culturale:



27 03 2007 - Canada:The Armenian Genocide Bill, introduced by MPP Brad Duguid (Annette Melikian L.A.)
On behalf of the Armenian National Committee of Toronto (ANCT) we applaud and support MPP Brad Duguid's initiative to introduce an Armenian Genocide Memorial Day in Ontario and commend his diligent efforts to promote understanding and raise awareness amongst Ontarians of past and present injustices.

The Armenian Genocide Bill introduced Monday March 26th 2007 requests the Government of Ontario to designate April 24th of each year as Armenian Genocide Memorial Day.

An Armenian Genocide Memorial Day in Ontario will not only honour the victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide but also commemorate the contributions of the Georgetown boys to our Canadian multicultural mosaic and ensure their lasting legacy is forever remembered.

For further information, please contact

Armenian National Committee of Toronto
45 Hallcrown Place, Toronto, Ontario M2J 4Y4
Tel: (416) 491-2900
Fax: (416) 491-2211,


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