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24 05 2007 - India joins the SEVAN network - for immediate release:
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Last week, India joined the world wide network called Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network (SEVAN) led by the Cosmic Ray Division (CRD) of
Yerevan Physics Institute. On may 19, in a meeting for forging cooperation among the participants of the International Heliophysical Year - 07 (IHY-07) in Bad Honnef, Germany, Prof. Ashot Chilingarian, head of the CRD and Prof.
Saumitra Mukherjee of the School of Environmental Sciences of Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhy, signed a memorandum of understanding for the

SEVAN will consist of portable, state-of-the-art space weather detectors designed by the CRD scientists in Armenia and placed in countries around the circumference of the world for an extensive coverage of space weather watch,analysis, and forecast. The most technical and sensitive parts of the detectors will be built in Armenia, the body and heavy support system will be built and assembled in the host country. The data will flow via the internet
with the control center in Yerevan. Prof. Ashot Chilingarian is the author and Principal Investigator of the project. SEVAN detectors will also be placed in several secondary schools in Armenia and Artsakh for a broad coverage in the region.

SEVAN was named the Observatory of the Week and Professor Chilingarian was named the Personality of the Week, in IHY07's weekly newsletter.

In Bad Honnef, a second CRD proposal to the IHY committee was approved lastweek, called "Research of highest energy Solar Cosmic Rays". The details of
this cooperation will be worked out in the coming months.

For more information about the Cosmic Ray Division and the Diaspora partnershipvisit

Photo: Prof. Ashot Chilingarian and Prof. Saumitra Mukherjee in front of the International Conference Center of the German Physical Society in Bad Honnef.

Anahid Dian Yeremian Accelerator Physicist
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Phone 650 - 926 - 4444
P.O. Box 20450, MS 26 Fax 650 - 926 - 5368
Stanford, CA 94309


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