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10 10 2007 - Dikran Abrahamian and open Will Justice be denied again?

Dear Friend,

"In less than one day the House Foreign Relations committee in USA will be deliberating on the bill recognizing the Armenian Genocide as the first Genocide of the 20th century. Following this process and provided it meets the approval of the majority of the members of the committee the bill will be forwarded to the House for a vote."
To read more click at and open Will Justice be denied again?


See Survey results Under A Faux Pas Revisited

"Bread and butter issues such as health, education, taxes, crime, poverty and homelessness ordinarily dominate the discussions during provincial election campaigns....Unfortunately, the divisive issue of faith-based school funding consumed almost everybody’s attention this time around. In the process it opened a can of worms"

Cordially Yours,
Dikran Abrahamian

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From: "Dikran Abrahamian" <>
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Date: 10 Oct 2007, 06:17:53 AM
Subject: October 9, 2007

Dikran Abrahamian

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