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Iniziativa Culturale:



23 10 2007 - I am the Head of the Armenian Branch Office of the International Science and....
Dear Sir
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First of all let me introduce myself. I am the Head of the Armenian Branch Office of the International Science and xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" / Technology Center. Our Center is intergovernmental Organization. Founded in 1992 by an international agreement by the EU, Japan, Russian Federation, the USA and in 2004 by Canada, ISTC coordinates the efforts of numerous governments, international organizations and private sector organizations, providing scientists from Armenia and CIS market based opportunities to redirect their talents towards peaceful scientific research and innovation.
The ISTC framework program is Science Projects, supporting thousands of scientists including the resources of hundreds of collaborators and Partners. Through 2006, the ISTC has funded over 67,684 scientists and their team members in 922 research institutes, Armenian including.
With this letter I would like to inform you that November 4-10, 2007 I am visiting Italy to take part in the work of GLOBAL FORUM-2007 (Venice, November 5, 6). And I will be glad to meet you and members of your organization to present some ideas of possible collaboration.
The involving of Italian-Armenian specialists in this activity will help Armenian experts and make the contacts between Diaspora and Armenia more close.
Hope it will be interesting for you and your colleagues. If so, please, make an appointment when I can visit your organization and make a presentation. Please, have in mind that I am in Rome November 8, 9.

Hope for the fruitful collaboration.

Best regards,


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