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The European Armenian Federation calls upon the citizens of Europe to demonstrate on December 14 in Brussels

The Permanent Representatives of the 27 Member States didn't succeed last week in reaching an agreement on the draft conclusion that must be adopted by the conference of their Ministries of Foreign Affairs on Monday, December 10th.

The French request to establish a "Council of Wise Men" was accepted by the 27 representatives, under the guise of a 'Reflection Group,' dedicated to considering the future of the Union. The sub-text however dissipated into argument over whether the ultimate goal of negotiation concerning Turkey should include the term 'accession'. France, who openly opposes use of the term and Sweden, who is greatly in favour, clashed and as a result discussions regarding consumer protection and trans-European networks may be postponed despite plans to hold them with the Turkish minister of Foreign Affairs on the 18th of December.

It is important to note that despite these disagreements, a conclusion must be reached prior to the European Council meeting on the 14th. The European Armenian Federation is of the view that by altering the basic essence of these negotiations from one of automatic accession to "accession or privileged partnership," is a positive move. It reopens the political debate on the key issue of whether Turkeys uniting with the Democracies of Europe is indeed a natural progression for the Union itself.

"Even if today, the Europeans have not yet defined the clear content of what would be the 'privileged partnership', we know however that Turkey will try to obtain a maximum of privileges from the EU and that it will confer it exorbitant leverages and that it will reinforce its economic and military power" commented Hilda Tchoboian, the chairperson of the European Armenian Federation.

The Federation recalls that the Second Convention of European Armenians (15-16 October 2007, European Parliament) expressed in its final declaration the Armenian position on relations between Turkey and the EU. The forthcoming demonstration on December 14 in Brussels, will provide the opportunity for European citizens to restate their attachment to the moral value of Justice without which the European, will be unable to stand.

"Whatever the final outcome, accession or privileged partnership, the Council will have to take the responsibility to set Union ethics at the very heart of its relationship with Turkey. We must voice our concerns to the European leaders so that they set forth the recognition of the Armenian Genocide among their demands," concluded Tchoboian.

The European Armenian Federation calls upon the citizens of Europe, as well as the NGOs and Armenian associations in Europe to come en masse to Brussels on December 14 to take part in this demonstration.


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