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28 03 2008 - Azerbaijan, Turkey Diaspora Organizations’ Coordination Council to Meet
26.03.08 16:45
Azerbaijan, Baku, 26 March / TrendNews corr S. Ilhamgizi/ On 27 March, Berlin will host the meeting of the Coordination Council of the Azerbaijani and Turkish diaspora organizations, the State Committee for Work with Azerbaijanis Residing Abroad told TrendNews.

The meeting will take place in accordance with the Baku Declaration which was passed at the first Forum of the heads of Azerbaijan and Turkey’s diaspora organizations in Baku on 9 March 2007. The meeting will select the co-chairs of the Coordination Council, will define the tasks to be implemented for development of cooperation between the Azerbaijani and Turkish diaspora organizations, and will discuss the new methods and technologies intended for informing the international community of the truth about the history and contemporary life of the two nations.

Nazim Ibrahimov, the Chair of the State Committee for Work with Azerbaijanis Residing Abroad, will deliver a report at the meeting. Ali Hasanov, the head of the public and political department at the executive presidential administration, and the Turkish officials will be in attendance. The President of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (NASA), the chairman of the Coordination Council of the World Azerbaijanis Mahmud Karimov, Azerbaijani MPs Rafael Huseynov, Nizami Jafarov and Ganira Pashayeva, the chancellor of the Baku Slavonic University and the member of the administration of the World Azerbaijanis’ Coordination Council Kamal Abdulla, the President of the Congress of Azerbaijanis in Europe Natig Agamirov, the chair of the Congress of Azerbaijanis in Benilux Sahil Gasimov, the President of the Assembly of the Turkish Associations in America Nurtan Ural, the deputy chairman of the Coordination Council of the World Azerbaijanis, the chair of the president of the Azerbaijan Society of America Tomris Azeri, the chairman of the Azerbaijani Society of Mainz Bashar Komur, the chairman of the World Azerbaijanis’ Congress Sabir Rustamkhanli will deliver reports on mutual relations, joint activities and prospects for the diaspora organizations of Azerbaijan and Turkey.

1. Azerbaïdjan-Turquie: rencontre des diasporas à Berlin
27/ 03/ 2008
Version imprimée
BAKOU, 27 mars - RIA Novosti. Le Conseil de coordination des diasporas azerbaidjanaise et turque s'est réuni jeudi à Berlin pour discuter de l'avenir de la coopération bilatérale, a annoncé à RIA Novosti Mme Seadet Mamedova, porte-parole du Comité d'Etat chargé du travail avec les Azerbaïdjanais résidant à l'étranger.
Le directeur du Comité d'Etat Nazim Ibragimov, des employés de l'administration présidentielle et des députés au parlement azerbaïdjanais prennent part à cette rencontre.
Le Conseil de coordination regroupe 101 membres dont les présidents des congrès des Azerbaïdjanais d'Europe, les présidents de l'assemblée des associations turques des Etats-Unis et de la Société des Azerbaïdjanais résidant aux Etats-Unis.
La réunion devrait déboucher sur l'élection des coprésidents du Conseil de coordination.
Le Conseil de coordination a été institué lors du Ier Forum des dirigeants des diasporas azerbaïdjanaises et turques, en mars dernier à Bakou. Il a été décidé de convoquer ses réunions une fois par an.

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