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12 09 2008 - MEGHU = Waspe = APE
MEGHU = Waspe = APE
Have you ever thought of writing about yourself or publishing your own writings in an Armenian paper?
Well, here you go!
Meghu is a monthly paper that publishes writings of Armenian girls and boys aged 6 to 12 living in diaspora. It is published in Armenia and you can receive an electronic copy by request.
Moreover, your family and friends in Armenia can buy the paper from their nearby newsagency and read what you have provided!
Isn’t this exciting?!
Now, if you are interested, don’t waste time. Get onto work and send an e-mail
to Your e-mail should include the following:
• Your name, age and school year
• What you do besides your school activities
• Your interests, hobbies and what you want to become
• Your photo, if you like it to be published
• Your writings either in Armenian or English; poems are preferred to be in Armenian.
Should you have any enquires about the paper, please feel free to contact
Meghu via abovementioned e-mail.


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