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01 11 2008 - network is opened to all Armenians dispersed in the world.
Dear Compatriot and Friend of Armenian Cause
Join Worldwide Armenian Regrouping on Facebook
This network is opened to all Armenians dispersed in the world. It is created in the objective to show that our people does not forget that we are the same family, and, before 100th commemoration of the Genocide which decimated, since 1895, 2, 000, 000 Children, Women and Men, who we are able to take up the challenge in honor of our 4000 years of History and against negationism.
Each participant must invite ALL his friends not or registered on facebook.

Thank you very much

ARMENIAN MEMORIAL Regrouping of descendants survivors of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Beneficiary: Donations to the cause benefit: ARMENIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE INC A 501(c)(3) nonprofit Positions: 1. Regroupement des descendants des survivants du Génocide Arménien de 1915 2. Reagrupación de los descendientes de los supervivientes del Genocidio Armenio de 1915 3. Neugruppierung der Nachkommen der überlebenden des armenischen Genozids von 1915 Category: International - International Human Rights Description: Worldwide Armenian Regrouping This network is opened to all Armenians dispersed in the world. It is created in the objective to show that our people does not forget that we are the same family, and, before 100th commemoration of the Genocide which decimated, since 1895, 2, 000, 000 Children, Women and Men, who we are able to take up the challenge in honor of our 4000 years of History. Each participant must invite ALL his friends not registered on facebook and record the Names victims of the Genocide on before 2015. Regroupement Mondial Arménien Ce réseau est ouvert à tous les Arméniens dispersés dans le monde. Il est créé dans l'objectif de démontrer que notre peuple n'oublie pas que nous sommes une même famille, et, avant la 100ème commémoration du Génocide qui a décimé, depuis 1895, 2 000 000 d' Enfants, Femmes et Hommes, que nous sommes capables de relever le défi en l'honneur de nos 4000 années d’Histoire. Chaque participant doit inviter TOUS ses amis non inscrits sur facebook et enregistrer les Noms des victimes du Génocide sur avant 2015.

Jean Eckian
Independent correspondent

Jean Eckian

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