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Information and Communications of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia
Dear fellow Armenians,
We are e-mailing you on behalf of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia. Sorry for e-mailing you directly but we wanted to contact you and to introduce ourselves.
As the Department of Information and Communications of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia our main objective is to bring together Armenians living outside of their homeland and engage them in the events happening in their homeland.
For that purpose, we are currently contacting various Armenian organizations, networks and associations in order to be able to get to know more about the activities and initiatives of Diaspora representatives abroad and to promote cooperation between Armenia and Diaspora.
We are interested in everything that is happening in your community: cultural, sport, entertainment events, etc. We would also like to encourage you to send us some photos of your community, if available, so we can know the people who we will be communicating with.
Also, we are currently working on developing an e-newsletter called “Armenians Today” and we would very much appreciate if you could keep us posted about the events happening in your community so we could include them in our newsletter.

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to get a chance to meet you in person in the near future.
Kind regards,

Ashkhen Khachatryan

RA Ministry of Diaspora
Department of Information and Telecommunications
26/1 V.Sargsyan
Yerevan, Armenia 0010
Tel.: (37410) 58.56.01 (x 109)
(37410) 58.56.02 (x 109)
(37410) 58.56.03 (x 109)
(1818) 480.67.40
Fax: (37410) 58.91.57

P.S. Please join our group on Facebook called “Armenian Diaspora Network” or visit our website at

From: "Ashkhen Khachatryan" <>
Subject: Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia

Ashkhen Khachatryan

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