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GIBRAHAYER e-magazine

THE ARMENIANS OF CYPRUS - By Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra

GIBRAHAYER e-magazineDear Simon,
Please find attached the PDF version of the book, and below the link to download the book "The Armenians of Cyprus" written by myself and published by the Kalaydjian Foundation in May 2009.

I've also created a video using a collection of pictures about the Armenian Cypriot community.

I hope you enjoy watching it!
Please feel more than free to share it with others!
Cherm parevnerov - Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra - Nicosia

there's always something exciting on PrestigioPlaza. click here

Letters to the Editor
June 29, 2009
Dear Editor:
Like many Armenian Americans, I am unhappy that our organizations hosted the recent public tour by the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, Marie Yovanovitch.
Nevertheless, trying to make the most of the situation, I attended her presentation at the Armenian Cultural Foundation in Massachusetts.
As expected, Yovanovitch largely evaded the audience’s pointed questions and comments.
From having spoken to Armenians who attended Yovanovitch’s public presentations elsewhere, such as in New York City, I know that similar scenarios unfolded there.
Even worse, the Armenian American press failed to critically and frankly assess Yovanovitch’s opening remarks, questions from the audience, and her replies. Such press outlets include Armenia Now, the Armenian Weekly, the Armenian Reporter, the Armenian Mirror-Spectator as well as the email newsletters of the Eastern U.S.A. Diocese and Prelacy.
Unfortunately, even HETQ, the investigative journalism website in Armenia, merely republished an article from the Glendale News-Press about Yovanovitch’s visit to Southern California.
What separated HETQ from some of the outlets mentioned above, however, is that it didn’t censor critical reader comments posted under their online articles. While most of us recognise that Armenia suffers from a democracy and free-speech deficit, few of us have said publicly that our Diaspora media and organizations suffer from the same ailment.
I am forwarding HETQ’s reader comments about Yovanovitch to our Diaspora organizations, media, and clergy because there are many questions they need to answer. Among the very first is: why did American Armenian organizations agree last year to the U.S. Senate’s confirming Yovanovitch even though she and the State Department were as evasive on the genocide issue as John Hoagland, the previous failed nominee, had been?
Given Yovanovitch’s and the U.S.’s dishonesty about the genocide, and the obvious fact that she was going to give evasive replies regarding a host of issues on her present tour, why did Armenian organizations even agree to host her? If their reasoning was that she needed to hear what we had to say, she undoubtedly already knew that from reading the Armenian press and news releases since assuming her ambassadorship.
Frankly, this tour was an honour and privilege that neither the State Department nor the ambassador deserved.
Armenian organizations held private meetings with Yovanovitch. What, may we ask, was the outcome of these meetings, or are our organizations once again practising the same lack of transparency for which they criticise the Armenian government? They are accountable to the communities they claim to represent and serve, or haven’t they noticed?
Ultimately, we must reject the vassal mentality that has been ingrained in us after centuries of Ottoman occupation. If we don’t take a harder line in defence of Armenian rights in the post-genocide age, we have only ourselves to blame -- and not the Turkish government -- for jeopardising our survival as a nation, on or off our native lands.
I direct you to HETQ, where outspoken Armenians have their say:

Lucine Kasbarian - New Jersey, USA

Dear Simon,
I would like to thank Mr. Chahe Bardakjian for his lesson on “Armenian-ism” but if only he could understand and also quote me from the earlier paragraph: “I hope they prove me wrong for the sake of the Armenian Community…” he would have understood that what I have written could not be anti-Armenian.
If Mr. Bardakjian followed the news in Lebanon, he would have seen MP Chant Chinchinian lately joining the Lebanese Forces parliamentary bloc, something that just proves my point, unfortunately, and I repeat, unfortunately. I just hope that when it comes to things that matter for the Armenian community, he and his other colleagues prove me wrong and stay loyal to their Armenian roots.
I would also like to point out to Mr. Bardakjian that what is unacceptable and shameful, is not my true opinion of what and who are enough to fight for the rights of the Armenian community in Lebanon, but the fact that some Armenian parties, groups and individuals prefer to pledge loyalty to non Armenian blocs, rather than a unified, strong Armenian bloc, dismissing the fact that whatever seats the other blocs gave them is just the same seats they are entitled to in the Armenian bloc, with one big difference: independence and freedom of thought and action.
Finally, Mr. Bardakjian accused my words as being anti-Armenian, unacceptable and shameful; for this, I do not seek and apology but would just like to say: “Sorry Mr. Bardakjian, but you have misunderstood and misinterpreted the whole idea”.

Sevag Gurunlian - Nicosia

Dear Editor,
I was concerned to read some of the letters that appeared in your e-magazine following the recent elections in Lebanon. I congratulate Chahe Bardakjian for setting the record straight - yes we are all Armenians irrespective of the political parties we belong to whether it be the oldest party the Armenagan-Ramagavars, the Hunchaks or Tashnags.
To refer to the 2 Tashnag candidates as the "true Armenians" is very alarming. We Armenians are already few in number - the by-products of the Genocide of 1915-1923 as well as the contemporary "white Genocide" - the loss of the Armenian language, culture and identity in Western nations to start excluding legitimate segments of our nation.
Such notions of who constitutes a "true Armenian" also reminds me of fascist tendencies as fascist elements often assume power through manipulation of social structures and segregation of society.
I just hope that in the end people making those comments made them out of sheer frustration and disappointment at the election outcomes instead of any entrenched beliefs.
As one famous politician once stated ....."There may be election irregularities from time to time but generally speaking people get the government and politicians they deserve".
The Tashnag party must reassess their political strategies because if they do represent 80 per cent of the Armenian community as their supporters often claim, then why are they such an insignificant opposition party in Armenia and Karabagh, and also now in Lebanon?


Hagop Tchamkertenian

GIBRAHAYER e-magazine

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