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06 08 2009 - Struggle against Armenian denials by Turkey
Dear Friend,
Famous author and French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy, defender of the Armenian issue, has just opened a page on Facebook from which he plans to impulse operations of communication of great scale.

He intends in particular to throw back the question of penalisation of Armenian genocide denial in France by organizing large-scale promotion of the magnificent speech, visible partially, on You Tube <> which will be translated in several languages, and notably in Turkish.

Bernard-Henri Levy needs to feel supported by the Armenian community around the world and would wish that this one shows its presence to his sides by joining particularly on his FB website.

That is the least of things we can do, considering his commitment in this difficult fight. But furthermore, it is a question also for us of asserting a visibility and of occupying ground in a successful place of communication and strategically enough sensitive where we are besides the welcomes and to take out of our beaten tracks.

The BHL messages on Iran were seen 250000 times and spread out by several sites of the French press (Libération, l'Express, Le Figaro, Le Nouvel Observateur). It is a question of renewing the operation on armenian thematic.

To join, it is enough to go on<>

to click on " *inscription * ".
One can also find the BHL page on Facebook by typing Bernard-Henri Lévy+Facebook on Google*.

As a rule, the first occurrence indicates the BHL page.
The fact to join on Facebook, does not imply at all to create a page.
You can satisfy yourselves during the registration providing only the minimum informations (last name, first name, sex, age and an email address).

The driving forces of the BHL page (the Horstra university of Long Island), who are going to launch the operation count on at least 200 to 300 registrations of Armenians throughout the world.

The responsibility of each of us emerges to answer this initiative by joining and by transmitting the message. It is important, if we want to act at the level of the opinion and to be able to make so counterweight for the gigantic politico-financial interests connected to the Turkish State and got to join forces against the Armenian case.
Jean Eckian
Free lance journalist
Levy’s interview on « Jewish Daily Forward » <>
Expecting your involvement, in support of the CCAF (Council of reprsentation of the Armenians of France).

Jean Eckian

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