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Petition Opposing Some Provisions in the Protocols
16 September 2009, Canada
We, the signatories, are in agreement with establishing neighbourly international relations between Armenia and Turkey and the lifting of the Turkish blockade. However, we strongly oppose specific stipulations outlined in the Protocols of 31 August 2009 that
• Include provisions for a sub-commission of historians, thus questioning the veracity of the Genocide of the Armenians,
• Recognize only the principle of territorial integrity to the exclusion of the principle of self-determination, effectively legitimizing Turkey's illegal occupation of Western Armenia, the appropriation of Armenian property, land, historic, cultural, and religious monuments, and jeopardizing the future of Nagorno-Karabagh.
Most Diaspora Armenians are descendants of the Genocide committed by the Ottoman Turks and oppose these potentially deleterious conditions. To protest against their inclusion in the Protocols, we call upon our compatriots in Europe to galvanize all concerned, democratic and progressive forces, including Armenian parties, associations, and non-affiliated individuals and to organize a peaceful march in Sèvres, in Paris and in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Alessandra Messerlian Teacher Italy
Alice Momjian-Ravary Software comp. co-owner Canada
Anne Abrahamian University Student Canada
Ardavast Avakian Retired Automobile Designer USA
Ari Armen Business Owner Italy
Dikran Abrahamian BA, MD Canada
Edward Sarafian LLB Canada
Edgar Manukyan PhD Canada
Grish Begian Electrical Engineer Canada
Hagop Mardirossian Auto body Technician USA
Hagop Sevakian Management Consultant Canada
Haig Baltadjian DDS, MSD Canada
Haig Khatchadourian PhD, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy USA
Houry Ellezian MSc Geology Lebanon
Jirair Tutunjian Magazine Editor Canada
Kevin McGill MSW, RSW Canada
Minas Kojayan PhD, Educator USA
Sevan Messerlian Business Owner Italy
Shirley Fersch RPN Canada
Vako Nicolian Computer Consultant Canada
Vardan Tserunyan PhD Armenia


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