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London’s Ealing Council officially recognizes 1915 Armenian Genocide
Per la prima volta in Inghilterra il Cosiglio Comunale di Ealing, dove risiedono molti armeni già dal tempo della Prima Guerra Mondiale, riconosce il genocidio degli armeni.
La mozione* era presentata da Ara Iskandarian, un consigliere del partito laburista....

* " La Giornata della memoria dell'Olocausto del 27 gennaio non è solo il riconoscimento della sofferenza di quelli che morirono nell'Olocausto ma il riconoscimento anche di tutti quei popoli che subirono un genocidio"

London’s Ealing Council officially recognizes 1915 Armenian Genocide
December 15, 2010 - 15:06 AMT 11:06 GMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - At full Council meeting of December 14, 2010, London’s Ealing Council voted by absolute majority to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

The motion moved by Ara Iskandarian a Labor Councilor of Armenian decent, stated, “Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January 2011 is recognition of not only the suffering of those who died in the holocaust but also recognition of all the people who have suffered as a result of genocide.”

The London Borough of Ealing is home to an Armenian Community of several thousand and has hosted an Armenian population since shortly after the First World War. The borough has subsequently been seen as the centre of Armenian community life within the United Kingdom.

Labor Party Councilors Julian Bell, the leader of the Council, Bassam Mahfouz and Ara Iskandarian, were instrumental in securing the vote. The Chairman of Armenian Community and Church Council of Great Britain, Mr. Ara Palamoudian and the head of The Armenian National Committee of UK, Mr. Sevan Artin were present at the chamber during the meeting. Mr. Stephen Pound MP (Member of Parliament) for Ealing North has been closely cooperating with ANC UK and the Armenian Community and Church Council (ACCC) of GB towards successful conclusion of this resolution, Great Britain’s Hay Dat Committee reported.

Seta Martayan

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