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13 January 2011 |
Interview with Azerbaijani MP Ulvi Guliyev.
Q: 2010 has ended. Is it possible to say that one of its outcomes is the tendency of raising Azerbaijan’s superiority over Armenia in the so-called information warfare?

A: As is known, it was American expert Thomas Rona who used the term information warfare first. In the report, he prepared for Boeing company in 1976 and called “Weapon system and information warfare”, Rona said information infrastructure is growing into the key component of American economy. All the same, it is becoming a vulnerable target in both in periods of war and peace. This report can also be viewed as the first mentioning of the term of ‘information warfare’. In the military sense, the term ‘information warfare’ was used in the mid 1970’s over the new tasks of the US armed forces after the end of the cold war. This became the result of the activity of a group of American military theoreticians, including Eccles, Summers and others. This term was further actively used after the Desert Storm operation in Iraq in 1991 where new information technologies were for the first time used as a means of hostilities. Azerbaijan, as a victim of aggression of the neighbor state, ignoring norms of international law and resolutions of a number of influential international organizations, is obliged to take part in the information warfare with Armenia, aimed at bringing the truth about the reasons and outcomes of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh to the attention of the world community. Let’s admit that the Armenian propaganda mechanism, based on the repeated lie, has been successful throughout centuries. Hundred years ago the world Armenians realized the importance of taking the information niche, introducing necessary opinion in the society and further manipulate facts in their own interests. Therefore, it spent much money to spread lie via influential mass media of different countries, promoted the occupation of key posts by Armenians there. In the result, this promoted the false Armenian point of view, which was further used by world Armenians for their political interests. But the situation is being changed and 2010 can be called the year of the start of the process of bringing the truth about the reasons and outcomes of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh to the attention of the world community, the year of exposing the lie, spread by world Azerbaijanis throughout a century and much money.
Q: Is it possible to say that time is working in Azerbaijan’s favor in this information warfare?

A: The undoubted proof is the increase in the number of objective materials about the reasons and implications of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh in leading world mass media, the growing number of references to the materials of Azerbaijani journalists. On the basis of real facts Azerbaijan via mass media started to actively bring to the international community the truth about Armenian nationalism, aggression against Azerbaijan, Armenia’s claims on the lands of its neighbors. The time and scientific progress are working against Armenians. Today, in the era of internet, it is easier to reject any Armenian lie. Meanwhile, the whole information warfare has always been held by the world Armenians including with respect to complicacies of refuting their lie by means of spreading Armenian myths. And the last factor, envisioning Azerbaijan’s further achievements in the information warfare with the world Armenians is the strengthening of influence of the Azerbaijani state. Independent, economically developed Azerbaijan with bright prospects, playing the growing role in the world geopolitical and geoeconomic game is the complete antipode of impoverished, dependent and unpromising Armenia. This gap between our states will grow, which will also increase Azerbaijan’s advantage in the information warfare.
Q: Are there already the political outcomes of the growing advantage of Azerbaijan over Armenia in the information warfare?
A: Let’s recall what has happened just recently. For example, despite the strong pressure of the Armenian lobby of the United States, Matthew Bryza has been appointed the US ambassador in Azerbaijan, which can certainly be interpreted as Azerbaijan’s success in confronting Armenian lie. This is a great blow on the Armenian lobby of the United States, which is currently in the knockdown. This situation is also deteriorating by the appearance of information in mass media that the new staff of the Congress will hardly put the resolution on “Armenian genocide” on the agenda in the next two years. This is also not only the result of the strong and accurate work of the Azerbaijani and Turkish lobbies in the United States but also the outcome of the great work on the information space held by our countries. And finally, we have already heard the appeal of the Polish Foreign Ministry to its citizens not to visit Nagorno Karabakh without the consent of the Azerbaijani powers, which proves that Baku’s importance for European countries is growing as a result of the wonderful and competent work of local mass media to bring the reasons and outcomes of the Karabakh conflict to the attention of the world community. I am sure that this is just the beginning. We will further see the strengthening of Azerbaijan’s positions in the information warfare with Armenia, which will influence the positions of the world community in the resolution of this conflict.


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