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all'Assemblea Parlamentare del Consiglio Europeo, Abdullah Gul ha ancora una volta negato la realtà del genocidio.............
Nel suo discorso pronunciato a Strasburgo il 25 gennaio 2011 all'Assemblea Parlamentare del Consiglio Europeo, Abdullah Gul ha ancora una volta negato la realtà del genocidio.............
L aprovocazione ha indignare la comunità armena di Francia che ha indetto una riunione per domenica 30 gennaio sul tema "Capire e Combattere il negazionismo" con la partecipazione di storici, politici, avvocati e giornalisti francesi....

----- Original Message -----
From: Jean ECKIAN
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:30 AM
Subject: Turkish president denies, in France, the Armenian genocide in 1915

Jean Eckian / Paris

Indignation of the French- Armenian organisation

Turkish president denies, in France, the Armenian genocide in 1915

The CCAF (co-ordination Council of the Armenian organisations of France) condemns with the biggest firmness the statements of the Turkish president, Abdullah Gül, who during its speech in front of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, on January 25th, 2011, in Strasbourg, denied the reality of the Armenian genocide.

Press release of the CCAF also stipulates that "In a new provocation, the Turkish president, Abdullah Gül brandishes the denial card of the History on our own territory, in our own State, France, which recognized the genocide of the Armenians in 2001" [January 29].

So Turkey laughs at laws of the French Republic [...]

The French people of Armenian descent begin to lose patience and consider that the fight against the discrimination of which they are the object demands a democratic answer, citizen, republican and person in charge on behalf of the national representation.

On Sunday, January 30th, during all day, a very important symposium will gather in Paris several historians, scientists, academics, lawyers and French journalists, in François Hollande's presence, former General Secretary of the French Socialist party, around the theme " Understand and Fight the negationism ".

Jean Eckian / Paris

Seta. M

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