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On Thursday, April 21 at 3 p.m., all Armenian-Americans in Southern California are urged to join in a public protest to be held outside a fundraising event for President Barack H. Obama at the Sony Studios located at 10202 W. Washington Boulevard in Culver City, California.

President Obama will be visiting the Los Angeles area as part of his re-election campaign just three days prior to April 24th. He must hear our community’s profound disappointment with his failure to honor his campaign promise that as President, he would recognize the Armenian Genocide and deliver justice to the Armenian people. Being the largest Armenian community in the Diaspora, we must turn out en masse to send our message loud and clear not only to him, but to all of the national press that will be assembled there.

We strongly urge all Armenians to join us in making our voices heard.

Buses will transport protestors starting at 1:30 p.m. from St. Mary’s Church in Glendale, Rose & Alex Pilibos School in Hollywood and Ferrahian High School in Encino.

Armenian Genocide Community Task Force
Armenians Should Confront Pres. Obama During his California Visit Next Week
By Harut Sassounian
California Courier

It is a shame that the largest Armenian community in the Diaspora has failed to take advantage of Pres. Obama’s visits to California to protest his refusal to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. Last October, when he traveled to Los Angeles and Glendale, not a single Armenian confronted him at his public appearances.

To make up for their negligence, Armenians in California have a golden opportunity to show that they are deeply troubled when the highest official of the land does not keep his pledge on the Armenian Genocide.

Pres. Obama will be in San Francisco on April 20 and in Los Angeles on April 21 – three days before the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide – to launch his reelection campaign with major fundraisers publicized as “Obama Victory Fund 2012.”

By Appo Jabarian
Executive Publisher/Managing Editor
USA Armenian Life Magazine

As if failure to keep his presidential campaign promises to the Armenian American voters wasn’t enough, several months after becoming President of the United States, Barack Obama attempted to force the highly insulting and infamous Turkish “Protocols” on Armenia and Armenians in 2009.

As if that wasn’t enough, his administration effectively undercut the U.S. Congress by disregarding the official allocation of foreign aid to Armenia and Artsakh. Obama’s team failed to fully execute the foreign aid administration.

As an added insult to both the U.S. Congressional leaders and the Armenian Americans, he used the year-end congressional recess period as an opportune moment to circumvent the “Hold” placed by U.S. Senators, and he appointed then controversial candidate Mathew Bryza as Ambassador to Azerbaijan. Bryza is widely considered to be a “dishonest broker” in foreign diplomatic relations.

A S.

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