Zatik consiglia:
Iniziativa Culturale:



Dear compatriots this is Martirosyan’s family addressing to you.
It has been 10 years that we are dealing with the elaboration of the technology of production of special stickers for the computer keyboard in Armenia. In January 2003 a unified Armenian system will appear on Internet, which will allow to communicate in Armenian on Internet:
Our production is a transparent film with Armenian letters and spelling signs typed from inside. This allows to keep the design of the keyboard. The stickers are four times smaller than the buttons, which allows placing them in any free part of the button.
Such organizations like Armentel telephone company, Jewish diaspora of Armenia, Unicomp, and some others are using our services. Currently we produce small amounts of stickers in Armenian, English, Russian, Jewish and Georgian languages. But. for the time being we are not a company yet and we want to enlarge our production by getting orders from Diaspora. Price of one set is 1 USD without transportation costs. In case of bigger orders the price will be negotiated separately.
During 10 years of our research in the sphere of compatibility of the national language with modern technology and on the basis of research of many scientists we came to the conclusion, that placing the national alphabet on the keyboard promotes development of communication, studies and programming in the right direction.
Dear compatriot, currently Armenian schools have 3000-5000 computers. We would provide the schools of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh with our production free of charge by the profit received from your orders. Your orders will promote job creation. As for the quality of our production, it corresponds to international standards.
For the information of possible sponsors: for the quick development of large-scale production we need technical and financial assistance. For those who would be interested to become sponsors for the whole Diaspora and to centralize the distribution of our production please address to:
5 Griboyedov St., Yerevan 375051, Armenia
Telephone: 374.1. 23.86.50 / 374.9. 42.68.58
We wish to all of us a unified Armenia and a unified conscious thinking.
Thank you in advance.
For simple orders: Tigran Martirsyan 374.1. 58.35.81, Michael Martirosyan 374.1. 55.78.88
E-mail :, Yerevan 375020, Arme


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