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Message in Englisch | Français
Dear Compatriot,

In the face of the mass media's obfuscation of information about populations affected by the crimes committed by the Young Turks of the Ottoman Empire, a prompt response is critical. Today, if the Turkey of
Prime Minister Erdogan and his cohorts has become worthy of being associated with, it has become so despite the fact that the country has not undertaken its task of facing its own history and collective
memory. Moreover, the question will have now been postponed ad infinitum, since the EU accepted to engage in negotations in light of the future accession of the country to the Union.

Armenian communities are devastated now by a second form of genocide stemming from indifference. Do we believe that we should have to wait until the 100th commemmoration of this genocide in order for justice to be served? No! With the passage of time, the Armenian identity is in the process of a gradual dilution due to assimilation and mixed
marriages, as people integrate into increasingly diverse societies that are being claimed by the forces of globalization. Its future is thus in
great danger. A vital necessity is thus presented before us by these events: a call to all Armenians on the planet to testify and bear witness, as a duty to our collective peace of mind, that the Genocide of
1915 was neither an illusion, nor a point of view. Because our dead had names, and we are going to prove it. This is why we must gather all our energy - as well as your help - to stand back up and conquer this
enormous challenge: OUR DEAD STILL HAVE A NAME.

In all countries, in all cities, in all villages, on all the streets and on every floor of every building; on the radio, on TV, on the Internet and through the pages of Armenian presses, let us sensitize and raise
the awareness of our compatriots to bear witness, in the face of humanity, that our people suffered the unspeakable: a GENOCIDE !

Let us supply the Memorial with the names of our sacrificed forefathers as long as their eradication from their ancestral grounds is not officially recongized by the Turkish state. This
testimony, on the global level, will contribute to the realization of the international community of the disaster that struck the Armenian people; irrefutable proof issued by the descendants of those who have
died ­ but whose graves are unmarked. By undertaking this action, we may be able to relieve our children of the heavy burdens of the past, so that they may more thoroughly and freely invest their energies in a
better future, and in helping Armenia get on its feet more quickly.

Thank you for widely conveying and disseminating this information, in the memory of our martyrs. Please do not hesitate to pick up our link from and add it to your website. Do it now! One day, thanks to you, the names of more than one million of our brothers and sisters will feature on this Memorial so that their justice will be
served. Want the Recognition is natural, but to bring again elements being able to contribute it is our duty.
Thank you - for them.

Tser ays ararkov, medzaradz bidi ellak mer 1915 tvagani nahadagnére.

Author, Creator of web site
Co-organizer of the recording « Aznavour for Armenia »

« The idea is to allow Armenian diaspora to locate the birthplace of ancestors who disappeared during the Genocide, and to enter their names in a database. A second interactive operation allows people to view the names that have been entered, region by region, and make contact with a family from the same place but now living on the other side of the
world; a promise for the family to eventually be reunited. »

Traductores - Übersetzer >

With Switzerland-Armenia Association ASA-GSA-SAA, help us fighting
denial !

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Cher Compatriote,

Face a lčoccultation internationale des mass medias dans lčinformation des populations sur le crime commis par les « Jeunes turcs » de lčEmpire
ottoman, nous nous devons de reagir promptement. Aujourdčhui, si la Turquie du Premier Ministre, Monsieur Erdogan et consort, est devenue «
frequentable », il nčen demeure pas moins que celle-ci nča toujours pas entame son devoir de memoire. Pis, la question serait reportee, sine die aux calendes grecques depuis que lčUnion Europeenne a accepte dčengager les negociations en vue dčune future adhesion de ce pays a lčUnion. La
societe armenienne est devastee par un second genocide issu de lčindifference. Croyez-vous qučil faille nous résoudre a attendre la centieme commemoration pour que justice soit rendue ? Non ! Dčautant qučavec les annees qui passent, lčidentite armenienne se dilue peu a peu par assimilation et mixite, epousant une societe a lčanonymat revendique
par la mondialisation. Sa perenite est en grand danger. Une imperieuse necessite nous est donc imposee par les evenements. Elle appelle tous
les armeniens de la planete a temoigner, par devoir de salubrite publique, que le Genocide de 1915 nčest ni une illusion, ni une vue de lčesprit, car tous nos morts portent un nom, et nous allons le prouver !
Cčest pourquoi nous avons besoin de toutes nos forces vives et de votre aide pour relever et mener a terme ce gigantesque defi : NOS MORTS

De tous les pays, de toutes les villes, de tous les villages, de toutes les rues et a tous les etages des immeubles ; par la radio, la television, lčInternet, a lčeglise et par lčunion de la presse armenienne, sensibilisons nos compatriotes a temoigner, face à
lčhumanite, que notre peuple a subi lčinnomable : UN GENOCIDE !

Alimentons le Memorial des noms de nos sacrifies tant que leur eradiction du sol ancestral ne sera officiellement reconnu par
lčEtat turc.

Ce temoignage, a lčechelle planetaire, rendra ainsi compte, nomement, a la communaute internationale du desastre qui a frappe le peuple armenien. Une preuve irrefutable delivree par les descendants de celles
et ceux qui sont «mort sans sépulture» en Armenie occidentale.

Par cet acte, nous allons liberer nos enfants de ce lourd fardeau afin qučils puissent sčinvestir pleinement dans un avenir meilleur et aider
lčArmenie a se relever au plus vite.

Merci de relayer et de diffuser largement cette information, en memoire de nos Martyrs. Nčhesitez pas a capter sur notre «
Timbre-lien » pour lčinserer sur votre website. Faites-le maintenant !
Un jour, grace a vous, les noms de plus dčun million de nos freres et sŠurs se cotoieront dans ce Memorial pour que justice leur soit rendue !
Vouloir la Reconnaissance est naturel, mais apporter de nouveaux elements pouvant y contribuer est notre devoir. Merci pour eux.

Auteur, createur du web site
Co-organisateur du disque « Aznavour pour lčArmenie »

Avec l'Association Suisse-Arménie ASA-GSA-SAA, aider-nous à combatttre
le négationnisme !
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