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GIBRAHAYER e-magazine The largest circulation Armenian online e-magazine on the WWW
By Harut Sassounian - Publisher, The California Courier
The French Insurance Company AXA agreed last October to pay $17.5 million to descendants of life insurance policyholders who had perished during the Armenian Genocide.
Mark Geragos along with attorneys Vartkes Yeghiayan and Brian Kabateck had filed a class action lawsuit in a California federal court against AXA for failing to pay death benefits for the insurance policies purchased by Armenians in Turkey prior to the 1915. The proceeds of the agreement, which was mediated by Federal Judge Dickran Tevrizian, are to be disbursed as follows: Up to $11 million for the heirs of life insurance policyholders; $3 million to be contributed to a newly-created French-Armenian charity; and $3 million for attorneys' fees and legal/administrative expenses.
Commenting on this agreement in an earlier column, ... more at:

NICOSIA (AFP) - Cyprus introduced additional anti-bird flu measures after tests detected the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu in the Turkish-held north for the first time on the divided Mediterranean island.
Greek Cypriot authorities in the government-controlled south have introduced an "observation zone" in the area close to where the virus was found across the divide.
The breakaway Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) -- the self-proclaimed state-let recognized only by Turkey -- said the virus had been contained in a small village in the east of the island.
TRNC prime minister Ferdi Sabit Soyer also indicated the virus may have been introduced to the north by migratory birds stopping over the small lake near the eastern village of Achna near the UN-monitored Green Line divide.
The Cypriot government is unhappy with this suggestion and refuted Soyer's claims as "groundless and unfounded".
more at:

Andreas Papandreou re-elected President
31.01.2006 18:05 YEREVAN (YERKIR) - An Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) delegation took part in the Socialist International (SI) conference held in Athens on January 30-31.
The delegation comprised ARF Bureau member Mario Nalbandian (right pictured with Papandreou), ARF’s representative in SI Women’s organization Maria Titizian, Central Committee of Greece representatives Gaspar Karapetian and Davit Petrosian and a representative of the Azat Or newspaper.
Eight participants presented reports on the main topic “Various Civilizations and Cultures in Multi-ethnic World.” Among them was Mario Nalbandian who addressed the conference in Spanish and congratulated Mr. Papandreou upon his re-election as SI president. In his address, Nalbandian also spoke of the Armenian heritage and the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of Turks in the 20th century.
“The intolerance that has been going on for years, took a new shape in recent months when the Azerbaijani government destroyed the Armenian monuments in Nakhijevan,” Nalbandian mentioned.
“We call on the Socialist International to demand from the Azerbaijani government to immediately stop this crime against the treasures of humanity.”
Click for Dashnaktsoutiun delegation's participation at Socialist Women's Conference.

Gibrahayer Nicosia Thursday 2 February, 2006 - AGBU Transition program Executive Director Karekin Costanian has reacted to last week's Gibrahayer article regarding the Melkonian saying that the books given to the American Academy of Cyprus are English books from the Nicosia AGBU Club.
Furthermore, Costanian reiterated that currently, Armenian language lessons were given to the 46 boarding students attending the American Academy of Nicosia from Monday to Thursday from 5-7 pm by teachers of our community, and that the program had also arranged for weekly lectures on Armenian history, language and culture, which are usually given on Fridays.
"It is unfortunate that the biggest reaction to these initiatives comes from parents of the students, who have periodically opposed the program in Armenian language, culture and history", Costanian concluded.
tatiana's corner by Tatiana Ferahian

GIBRAHAYER e-magazine

news in brief
First edition of the "Other Gibrahayer" e-magazine takes a pragmatic and realistic peep into the future... (from the author of Mr. Lee) It is the year 2506 ... Time and tide wait for no man ... Mobile phones are surgically implanted , London to Larnaca in six minutes. Human Life expectancy is 140 years. Petrol is 78 pounds a litre and dashshinopittas are selling at 86 pounds each. Cyprus however romantically has held on to its customs. Click here to go to the future.
A Catholic priest was shot dead in an armed attack on Sunday in the Turkish city of Trabzon. An official from the Vatican embassy in Ankara identified the priest as 59-year-old Andrea Santoro from Piverno, a small town near Rome, who was a member of the Santa Maria Catholic Church in Trabzon.
Minister of Energy Nika Gilauri personally welcomed Iranian natural gas to Georgia on Monday by opening a valve in Marneuli near the Georgia-Azerbaijan border.
14.3 billion drams are allocated to this year's state budget for primary medical aid, which is 15% more than last year.
Four people were injured in a blast at a Turkish-US Association in Adana which is home to a sprawling airbase used by the US military to supply its forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The assistant House Democratic leader of the Ohio State Assembly, Todd Book, submitted a draft resolution to the Ohio State Assembly Wednesday, which, if passed, will designate April 24 of each year "Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day."
A new documentary called [The Armenian Genocide] is scheduled to air April 17 at 10pm on PBS. This film, produced by Andrew Goldberg, features interviews with experts such as Samantha Power and Peter Balakian and includes narrations by Julianna Marguiles, Ed Harris, and Natalie Portman. The film also features discussions with Kurdish and Turkish citizens in modern-day Turkey who speak openly about the stories told to them by their parents and grandparents.

your emails click here for all emails
Dear Editor,
Dr. Vahakn Atamyan's visit to AGBU, New York sounds like a complete failure! We cannot see even the slightest sign of any change in AGBU's attitude towards Melkonian! Setrakian is the mastermind, all the rest are "Puppets" and, the show goes on without applause!
Arto Avedissian (1955 graduate)

My Dear Simon,
In your last e-magazine I read :During Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul’s visit to Brazil, a letter of intent was signed for the establishment of Turkey-Brazil Business Council.
I only heard about this news from you. Here in Brasil nothing was written about this visit.
Here people only think of football, the carnival, the beach, drinking and sex.
Turks?????!!!!!! What is this?
Regards, Maria Cristina Koutoudjian - Sao Paulo, Brasil

Dear Simon,
What is wrong for apologising for your over exuberance in using the word “kill?”
I am disappointed with your response. People misjudge, people should be open enough to acknowledge it and apologise.
Yours truly - Armen Sedrakian - Oakland, CA, USA
Dear Armen,
If the use of my violent language as metaphor offended anyone then I sincerely apologise. But when I encourage people for a debate and a healthy dialogue, as a member of this small community myself, I feel obliged to express my own GIBRAHAYER e-magazineopinion and assess a situation if I feel necessary, instead of just being an indifferent apathetic spectator.
Simon Aynedjian

Dear Simon,
As I had mentioned before i am really glad for the circulation of this e-magazine"gibrahayer", because it really spreads light on the Armenian issues concerning todays Cypriot-Armenian community.
Moreover it also provides the reader with the information concerning Armenians from all over the world,which is really appreciated by me and my friends.
Nevertheless i shall advise you to stop being biased related to the sportive issues.As you are giving priority to tennis and you mention only a little about other interesting sportive activities such as soccer or chess.
Coming to the issue for creating a committee in order to scrutinise the frozen position of Melkonian Educational Institute my personal idea is to invite only the committed members of the alumni who are the only ones in collaboration with MOUTAFIAN who still fight against the closure of our historical school.Those are the people who inspire trust and confidence to the younger Armenians.The reason I am telling this is because on the other side of the coin if committee includes some unrelated people to the struggle for reopening Melkonian committee will be less practical due to the possible disagreements.
Geneva, 1 February, 2006
Dear Simon,
While journalism reflects the societies need for sensational headlines that does not mean its OK to use violent language or violent metaphors. Everyone can see that your words were meant metaphorically of course but you need to see that it was exactly your use of violent metaphors that came across as unacceptable to some. It is true and sad that you are not the only one who uses violent metaphors to describe daily non-violent happenings or events, in order to be sensational but that does not make it OK either. I would not have had the urge to comment, if it had not been for the response you gave your two your readers.
It’s not only "invasions, genocides, manipulation of the media, violence in cartoons and video games" and all the vices you mentioned that we should "be aware of and protect ourselves from". We should also be aware of and simply refuse to accept the casual use of violent words in our daily lives irrespective of the fact that it’s meant to be an innocent metaphor to attract attention or that its common. Unfortunately, we all have become desensitized to violent words, violent images and violence in general. We all use violent words and expressions casually. That is our problem. I wish your response to Ms Bachayani and Mr Didonian did not come across as defensive, in a way implying that its OK to use violent terminology casually. You did not mean it literally. Well, it is really OK. The least we can do is to be aware of it and hopefully try to change our behavior or vocabulary. Your two readers are absolutely right.
We should applaud those who refuse the logic, spirit, culture and practice of violence altogether. The international community, states, NGO’s, movements and churches declared 2001-2010 as the decade for a culture of peace and to overcome violence. Its 2006 and the decade is not even close to being popularized, let alone making an impact. It really is not sensational to cover the stories and news of peacekeepers, peacemakers and peace-builders no matter how fantastic they are. It’s not "cool" to talk about those who have committed their lives to active non-violence in today’s society and hence journalism. We need to work hard to ensure that non-violent terms are perceived as sensational too. As journalists you have a special responsibility and role. Please use it well.
I take this opportunity to air out a concern I have had for some time now. I often read references that Gibrahayer is an independent newsletter and allows a space for different and opposing points of views to be expressed, which is good. Its obvious that at least for some of your readers this has become a safe and useful space to express disappointment, anger and criticism to issues that affect the community. Sadly, though I also note a defensive or sarcastic sometimes even a bit aggressive tone in the debates that take place and some responses to readers who express either a criticism to an article or simply have a different point of view than what is expressed in your newsletter. You welcome opposite views and allow different opinions to be heard and I can see that you want to provoke your readers into a healthy debate and thinking. I like that. In my humble opinion, however, one can be provocative but genuinely welcoming. One does not need to come across as defensive or even offensive. Its good to be independent but I think it would be even better to be objective too. Do all comments or letters to the editor need a response? Is that a rule or code of conduct in journalism ? Why can’t they stand on their own and let the readers see through the different views unless the reader asks for a response.
Please don't get me wrong. I, personally appreciate receiving your newsletter and enjoy reading it because it gives me a taste of the part of the current thinking of Armenian Cypriot community, some current concerns, happenings and mentality. I receive the tone, style and content as part of that too even if I may not appreciate it always. I therefore take this opportunity to reiterate that I am grateful for all the work you and whoever else puts into it. For me, it’s a small way to be keep up to date and feel connected. Thanks for making that possible.
All the best for 2006 and warm regards !
Salpy Eskidjian Weiderud

I am glad you did not misunderstand me. Actually your newsletter deserves to be mentioned everywhere, it is very professionally done, I like reading it, the composition with pictures are superb with every issue.
Regards, Artin Arakelian
John Guevherian - “Reflections - Past and Present”
GIBRAHAYER e-magazineJohn Guevherian presented his new paintings at the Apocalypse Gallery on Thursday 2nd February. In this exhibition the artist presented two entities – paintings and abstract compositions with mixed media. The exhibition was opened by Mr.Yiannis Kypri, Group chief General Manager & Chairman of the Cultural Foundation of Bank of Cyprus.
In the second entity, the artist brings to the surface another aspect of his talent, which perhaps was unknown until now. Putting together parts taken from electronic appliances, numbers and signs from already obsolete items he constructs an image which has a three dimensional sensation. The numbers and geometrical patters in these works project an association of ideas and the end result is coherent, well balanced and exceptionally interesting.
The paintings of the artist are already very well known to the art-loving public for their distinctiveness and the infinite calmness and tranquillity which they project. They seem to originate from the land of dreams as if existing only in the realm of the world of fantasy. The artist creates his own “landscapes” and reflections on specific historic, cultural as well as everyday events intrigue the onlooker with memories. There is ample movement on the canvas where paint is flowing thus creating motion and energy.
The works of John Guevherian project a surrealistic dimension, even though the real symbols used, such as ancient sculptures, remnants of historic buildings and amphorae, are clearly visible on the canvas. Opening frames within frames, cosmic scenes coexist on the same plane with familiar landscapes casting a bridge between the two and challenging the viewer.
Some constructional and cubist elements hint at the duel role of Guevherian, that of the Architect and the Artist. Guevherian has distinguished himself in his professional domain of architecture as well by participating successfully in numerous Pan-Cyprian architectural competitions and winning several first prizes, including the Headquarters of the Cyprus Sports Organization (KOA) in Nicosia, the “Kition” covered athletic centre in Larnaca, including the Olympic swimming pool and a Housing Project in Kaimakli of the Cyprus Land Development Organization. His other prizes include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Sports Centre in Agros and Limassol.
John Guevherian lives and works in Cyprus and he maintains a serious and steady presence in the art world with his solo exhibitions as well as participation in various group exhibitions. The present is the 10th solo exhibition of the artist.

For our readers abroad and for all those who still have not visited Guevherian's exhibition here is a sample of his fascinating work at

professor Hovhanness Pilikian - / Latest article by the professor at
Great and wonderful Gibrahayer – If you were wondering about the whereabouts of your mate who did so much damage to your beautiful island, stole your land and houses, robbed you of millions, Mr Rauf Denktash – a walking barrel, and the first ex-president of Turkish Cyprus recognized by no-one except Turkey of course, then wonder no more –
He is now messing about with the Armenian problem, having become the President of a grand committee planning to deny the genocide of the Armenians for the millionth boring time … but, wait for this, do not start laughing yet, “through Armenian and Russian archives”…(according to the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet) – now u can lol u ppl of Cy!! … [Those who do not know youth computerese = now you can laugh out loud, you people of Cyprus!]
Still according to Cumhuriyet, “this committee has already been activated in Istanbul” – sounds like cyber puppets moving at the press of buttons… codenamed “Great Operation; Project Talat Pasha” – History’s Numero Uno Genocider!
I can’t guess what you Cypriot Armenians have done to scare Mr Denktash off his wits, but on the occasion of the launch-party, the Walking Barrel has spoken declaring sweetly; “We are not trying to create hostilities vis-à-vis [very posh and diplomatic this!] the Armenians. We shall try to turn the hostilities around created by them into a friendship.”
The mental capabilities of Mr Denktash are well known to the United Nations… but the above proves his genius – he understandably measures the intelligence of the Armenians by his own… matchsticks!
They have gone further, and announced to the world, stuffing words in Berlin’s mouth, that the capital city of Germany, shall celebrate 15-19 March forthcoming, in great pomp and ceremony the 85th anniversary of the death of Talat Pasha, the Grand proto-Nazi Genocider par excellence of the Armenians in 1915, and who was condemned to death in absentia by the very founding Father of the Turkish nation, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk – a treble genius compared to Mr. Denktash…
The rest (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet’s words) is silence! Lol u ppl of Cy…

sports -
GIBRAHAYER e-magazineZaruhi Harutyunyan qualified for her third consecutive tournament main draw appearance. Please read her section below.
After his recent successes at the Australian Open, tennis sensation Marcos Baghdatis returned to Cyprus with his girlfriend Camille Nevier and his team from the Mouratoglu Tennis Academy. He received a hero's welcome at the airport. During the weekend he was received by President Papadopoulos and was honoured at a ceremony organised by the Cyprus Tennis Federation that was attended by more than 4,000 fans. After the press conference on Sunday lunch time he helped in the production of a police ad against drugs, while his lovely girlfriend Camile (right) signed autographs on his behalf. .
Here is a video clip that might be of interest. Click on this link and then click on DSCF0051.AVI . Edmond Aynedjian challenging Grand Slam finalist Marcos Baghdatis.
Armenian chess-players made new success in a number of international competitions held lately. International master Beniamin Galstian (Yerevan) gained 7.5 points out of 9 possible ones and was never defeated in the traditional tournament held for the 14th time in Tehran.

latest on Zaruhi Harutyunyan
(Gibrahayer - Nicosia - February 7, 2006) 15 year old Zaruhi Harutyunyan of Armenia - practising with the Cyprus National Team since September 2005 - has qualified for her third successive tournament main draw appearance after completing a successful run of qualification matches against top junior players from all of the world, contending in a world ranking ITF junior tournament in Bangladesh.
Her accomplishments weigh much more, if we bare in mind the fact that she played her qualification matches after being severely poisoned in a bizarre gas leakage incident in the vicinity of the tennis complex. Despite all this, she won her qualification matches playing as much as two matches a day and starts her competition in the main draw for the third time in as many tournaments.
She is expected to climb a minimum of 500 positions after ITF announces the new world rankings. We will publish the results in next week's Gibrahayer. She returns to Cyprus this week.

gibrahayer calendar
12 February, 2006 at 1:00 pm - Pasta Lunch organised by The Armenian Relief Society (HOM) Cyprus Sosse Chapter.
5.00 CYP for adults and 3.00 CYP for children. Reservations with Vera Tavitian 99 520071.

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