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06 03 16 - France : demonstration of the French Armenians of Paris, Marseilles and Valence
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France : demonstration of the French Armenians of Paris, Marseilles and Valence to protest against Talaat pasha commemoration in Berlin Afterwards muddle shambles, Tuesday March 14 evening, the adminstratif Court of Berlin invalidated the decision of the Police force to prohibit the demonstrations that Turkish nationalists are on the point of holding in Berlin in honor of Talaat Pasha (1), the Turkish
"Hitler", guiltry of Armenian Genocide, French of Armenian origin denounced the recrudescence of Turkish nationalism.

On March 7, 2006, Ehrhart Körting, regional minister of interior of the city-State of Berlin, declared to the German daily newspaper "Die Tageszeitung" : « I currently do not see not reasons to prohibit the
manifestation of the Turkish organizations in Berlin ».

This other Turkish provocation aims at forcing the Bundestag to repeal its resolution of June 2005 recognizing the annihilation of the Armenians by Ottoman State and the German responsibility in these
murders of mass, and to require by German authorities to withdraw mention of Armenian Genocide of 1915 in the schoolbooks.

Answering to the call of VAN Collective (Armenian Vigilance against Negationism), with the support of 27 associations (1) and organizations of all confessions and origins, whose representatives of
the ILCRA (International League Counters Racism and Antisemitism), CCAF (Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France), Cypriot Council Community of France, AGBU (Armenian General Benevolent
Union), that is to say 2000 people gathered in Paris, Marseilles and Valence on the evening on Wednesday, March 15, 2006, in front of Gomitas Memorial (Paris), at a distance of hundred meters from the Germany embassy, in front of General- Consulate of Germany
(Marseilles), and in front of the Prefecture to the Drome department (Valence) to protest against the commemorations by the Turkish nationalists directed by the former president of the Turkish Republicof Cyprus North (Berlin,15 to March 19, 2006), for which
several planes were chartered at the departing from Istanbul.

The speakers of the meeting put each one the accent on the unacceptable deni of the Turkish State and the insult made at the democracy, as Mr. Marmatis pointed out it, recalling representative of the Cypriot comunity of France: "This Turkey not its place in a
democratic world".

In addition, 300 Turkish associations gathered in a committee to make repeal the French law of 2001 recognizing the Armenian Genocide and make pressure on the town hall of Lyon city to make prohibit the
construction of a Armenian memorial.

The historical cemetery of Nakhitchévan of Jugha, emptied its khachkars, was transformed into military field of drive to the shooting (see photo)

Jean Eckian * Paris
Independent correspondent

(1) Minister of the Interior of Ottoman Empire, condemned to died by contumacy to the criminal lawsuit in Istanbul (1919), executed by the
young Soghomon Tehlirian, 25 years old, march 15, 1921 in Berlin, Germany.
Telegram adressed to the government of Allepo attests some, september 15, 1915 : « It was previously communicated to you that the Government, by order of the Jemiet [another name for the Ittihad] had
decided to destroy completely all the Armenians living in Turkey.
Those who oppose this order and decision cannot remain on the official staff of the empire. Irrespective of sex and age, an end must be put
to their existence, however tragic the means of extermination may be, and no regard must be paid to conscientious scruples. ». Talaat.

AFS (Armenian -French Solidarity)<BR>
AGLA Armenian Association of Gays & Lesbians of France)<BR>
ANM (Armenia News Magazine friend's)<BR>
ASA (Armenia-Switzerland Association)<BR>
ASAP (Association of Support for the Armenian Patriots)<BR>
AYF (Armenian Youth of France)<BR>
JCC (Jewish Community Council)<BR>
FCUAF (French Cultural Union of the Armenians of France)<BR>
UJSF (Union of the Jewish Students of France)
Armenian Club of Grenoble<BR>
Armenian Cultural Union of Montreuil<BR>
Assyro-Chaldeans organization of France<BR>
Komitas Circle<BR>
Europe of the Memory J Accuse Memory 2000<BR>
with support of :

Dr. Tessa HOFMANN (Germany), President of the Working group and Recognition <BR>
Mr. Ali ERTEM (Germany), President of the SKD (Association counters the Genocides)<BR>

Photo Jean Eckian (Alexis Govciyan, president of CCAF Paris) (c) * Obligatory mention if other photos are necessary, send a mall to this address <>


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