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( Levon Mkrtchian, National Assembly's Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsoutiun's faction leader and Armen Rustamian introduced on Wednesday the concept of a draft law, which would grant a dual citizenship right to foreign Armenians.
"During the Constitutional referendum, Dashnaktsoutiun presented its view on this issue and our support of the constitutional amendments stemmed from this stance," Armen Rustamian said. "Dashnaktsoutiun has prepared a concept that could become the base for further discussions."
He said three key issues would be resolved: organising of worldwide Armenians to contribute in national goals; new possibilities for Armenia's strengthening; and protection of rights of Armenians around the world. He noted that while working on the concept the international practises were studied to make the law compliant with international laws also put in balance the rights and obligations.
Levon Mkrtchian, in turn, said a group of professionals, including Constitutional Court Chairman Gagik Harutiunian, worked on the draft law.
The concept consists of 15 sections each of which is to become a chapter in the future law. "The dual citizenship for Armenians stems from the unique situation the Armenians have found themselves after the Genocide," Mkrtchian said. Rustamian and Mkrtchian spoke of the necessity to clearly define the rights and obligations, including the right to elect and be elected. The concept will be submitted to the National Assembly as a draft law in the fall.
by Haider Hazma (ABC news April 12 - BAGHDAD, Iraq) - Iraq's newly crowned beauty queen, Tamar Goregian, has decided to step down -- just four days after her election, making this the shortest reign in the pageant's 60-year history.
On April 9, the 23-year-old, who was the first Armenian Iraqi to win
the Miss Iraq pageant, announced her resignation after receiving
threats by a group of religious extremists who referred to her as
"the queen of infidels" for participating in the contest.The pageant director said: "I respect her decision. The country is undergoing rough times, and we understand her desire to protect herself and her family."
This was the first time since the U.S.-led war against Iraq that the pageant was held on Iraqi soil. The last time this pageant was held here was in 2002. Since then, Iraqi exiles had been forced to hold
the contest in Kenya where a wealthy Iraqi businessman funded the event.
The pageant organisers will now pass the crown to the runner-up, or "Maiden of Beauty," Mona Hilmi, an Iraqi Sunni Muslim. One of the organisers said she was "equally intelligent and beautiful."
Pageants in Iraq usually attract girls from wealthy, liberal families who often have Western educations. The pageant organisers are hoping to send the winner to the Miss Universe pageant in an effort to promote a positive and modern image of Iraqi women. The last time Iraq sent a delegate to Miss Universe was in 1972 when Wijdan Sulyman represented the country in Puerto Rico. This year's Miss Universe pageant is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles on July 23.
During her acceptance speech, Goregian told the crowd, "Maybe beauty is the final step to end violence and preach world peace after all." The Iraqis who disagree have forced her to give up her crown and flee her country.
tatiana's corner by Tatiana Ferahian

GIBRAHAYER e-magazine

news in brief
Private Turkish KanalTurk TV aired Atom Egoyan's "Ararat" last week. The decision for airing the film was taken after a public opinion poll revealed that 72 percent of TV viewers wants to see Atom Egoyan's movie on Armenian Genocide.
From April 10 to June 30 Zvartnots International Airport will operate at night. "Within this period there will be no flights and landings from 10.30 AM to 8.00 PM, because of repair of the 1.2 km middle section of the runway. By July 1 works on the runway will be completed.
The first train loaded with military equipment from Russian military bases will be removed from Georgia in mid-May. "According to the negotiated plan, the train will be loaded with armoured
vehicles of the 62nd military base of Akhalkalak.
Police raided several homes around the Turkish capital and detained 20 suspected Kurdish militants alleged to be planning a series of firebomb attacks. The raids follow some of the worst clashes between security forces and Kurdish protesters in decades, in which 16 civilians have been killed in the past week. Kurdish militants have stepped up their attacks on Turkish security
forces, and several soldiers have been killed by land mines blamed on Kurdish rebels.
Charles Aznavour was in Armenia Monday to inaugurate new regular flights between Yerevan and Paris by Air France, one of the world's biggest airlines. Aznavour was among 39 French officials, business executives and other dignitaries who arrived in the Armenian capital on Saturday on the flagship French carrier's first-ever flight.
The Mountainous Karabagh Republic (MKR) Foreign Ministry expressed its concern last week over frequent ceasefire violations along the contact line between the Armenian and Azeri armed forces. The statement blamed the incidents on increasingly hostile statements made by top
Azeri government officials.
The Third Pan-Armenian Writers' Conference, held in Antelias headquarters of the Catholicosate of Cilicia, concluded its sessions. The official closing ceremony of the conference was held on Palm
Sunday, under the patronage of His Holiness Aram I, who also delivered his Pontifical speech on this occasion. The conference was initiated by the Writers' Union of Armenia in cooperation
with the Assembly of Lebanese-Armenian Writers. More than 300 Armenian writers from Armenia, Karabagh, Lebanon, the Middle East, Europe, Northern and Southern America, Canada and Australia gathered in Antelias, Lebanon to participate in the conference.
Ragip Zarakolu, owner of Belge Publishing House, recently published Henry Morgenthau's memoirs of his term as US Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian genocide. This is the first time his memoirs have been published in Turkey. Zarakolu is notorious in Turkey for publishing books deemed subversive by the Turkish authorities. Because of his work, Zarakolu spent three years in prison in the 1970's. His wife also spent several years in prison.
Vahan Hovhannisian, Vice Speaker of the Armenian Parliament and ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Bureau member, said that the ARF is not at all against the territorial integrity of Georgia. He also said
the ARF is not responsible for the strained situation in Javakhk. According to Hovhannisian, if the Georgian state is willing to give wide autonomous rights to its national minorities (Abkhazians, Ossetians), the law-abiding Armenian citizens in Javakhk deserve the same rights.
A court dropped charges against four Turkish journalists accused of insulting the country's courts, but decided to press ahead with the trial of a fifth journalist. All five journalists were on trial for criticising in print a court's decision last year to shut down a conference in Istanbul about the genocide of Armenians by Turks during the Ottoman Empire. Prosecutors said their writings were illegal attempts to influence the outcome of a trial and insulted the court system.
On Thursday, April 13th, the Budapest Supreme Court (Hungary) sentenced Ramil Safarov, a lieutenant of the Azerbaijani Army to life in prison for his February 2004 murder of an Armenian colleague taking part in a NATO exercise.

your emails click here for all emails
I had few occasions to read your e-magazine forwarded to me from my friends. I like it for brief but comprehensive news.
I couldn't find any possibility enter a subscription to Gibrahayer magazine. If it is possible and free, I'd like to receive e-magazine via e-mail.
Thank you in advance.
With best regards,
An Armenian lady from Armenia

Dear Amalia,
I am posting your email so that I can repeat the process of how people can subscribe to Gibrahayer. Please go to the link write down your address, click on the box and follow the instructions. If you have any problems, please let me know.
Simon Aynedjian
Dear Simon,
I am an avid enthusiast of your Gibrahayer e-Magazine. I think it would be good idea to release the following in your next mailing as an informative notice to all Armenians (in Moscow)
KOHAR in Kremlin -
KOHAR Symphony Orchestra & Choir will be performing “All Time Armenian Favourites” with 150 artists; musicians, solo singers, dancers, in Kremlin State Theatre on 28, 29 April at 19:00. The Artistic director and conductor is Sebouh Apkarian from Cyprus.
KOHAR Symphony Orchestra & Choir has already performed in different parts of Armenia, Cyprus, Lebanon, Bolis and the upcoming performance will be one of the leading performances in Moscow’s Kremlin State Theatre.
KOHAR has released “All Time Armenian Favourite” DVD in 2004, the first Armenian cultural DVD with interactive and bilingual menu, subtitled songs’ lyrics and bonus section. The DVD was the winner of Intermedia Silver Award at Hamburg’s World Media Festival, 2004 and the “Anoush” Achievement Award at 7th Armenian Music Awards, Hollywood, 2005.
Regards, Saro
Emails to the Editor - click here |Interview of the week here |Articles by Professor Hovhannes Pilikian here |Tennis Champ Zaruhi Harutyunyan. How YOU can help here |Artsagang issue click here

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recommended sites Nouritza Matossian in the USA Exclusive interview of Robert Fisk, reporter for "The Independent" and an expert in Middle East politics, talking about the Armenian Genocide as one of the consequences of western policies in the Middle East and surrounding areas. Watch the interview on Hairenik TV Andre's song at Eurovision Communique by Proedvcatio - The centenial of AGBU in Egypt and the Armenian cemetery in Cairo

AYMA football team - under coach Vasken Bodikian - secured promotion to division one after a comprehensive 4-1 win last Saturday against Dasikes. Scorers of the Armenian team were Garo Shahbenderian (2) former APOEL striker and captain Ara Bedrossian (1) and Alex Chilingirian (1).
15 year old Zaruhi Harutyunyan won her first doubles title on the ITF international tour at Sutton. She plays in Nottingham this week. Please read her section further down.
10 year old Nareg student Elena Kaprielian cleared 1.31 cm in the regional Nicosia Games at GSP Stadium that took place in April. View the video clip at

armenian music by Arek Dakessian from Beirut
PanARMENIAN.Net 11.04.2006 At the award ceremony of Radio 3 Awards for World music 2006 the Armenian Navy Band was recognised the Best European Band. Being formed by percussionist Arto Tuncboyaciyan, born in Istanbul, the band comprises 12 Armenian musicians.
The style Arto calls Armenian avant-garde is a mix of jazz and Armenian folklore. The band uses instruments typical for jazz: saxophone, grand piano, contrabass, as well as Armenian duduk, zurna and kanon, BBC reports.
Note: For those Gibrahayer readers who will remember, Arto was the percussionist in Eleftheria Arvanitakis' orchestra when she appeared in the Blind School amphitheatre a few years back, in the accompaniment of Ara Dinkjian who has written the music of the CD "Dynata" sang by Arvanitaki.

latest on Zaruhi Harutyunyan
GIBRAHAYER e-magazine

London - Saturday 15 April, 2006 - 15 year old Zaruhi Harutyunyan and her partner Polina Dzyuba of Russia, showed great skill and character in defeating the doubles partnership of 17 year old Anna Smith (singles number 1 seed) and her partner Natasha Starling in a thrilling 2 straight sets 6-4 7-5, in the finals of the Sutton Open, an international ITF Championship that concluded in England last week.
Having had an unfortunate start in the singles event losing 6-7, 6-0, 4-6 in a match that saw her win more games but actually lose, Harutyunyan is now in a much more confident state of mind for the Nottingham ITF event that started yesterday and continues until 22 of April, 2006.
Zaruhi Harutyunyan travels either to Turkey or Italy after her tournaments in the UK.

Laiki Bank Strovolos Industrial Area, Stavrou 96 I, 2034, Strovolos
Account Number 101-08-037631 for Zaruhi Harutyunyan under guardian Simon Aynedjian. International transfers at IBAN CY30 0030 0101 0000 0101 0803 7631 - Swift Code address LIKICY2N
gibrahayer calendar
The commemorative Cyprus committee for April 24 that has been preparing the calendar of events for the commemoration of the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide has decided on the following events.
Wednesday April 19, 2006 - Press conference at the Armenian Prelature of Cyprus.
Sunday April 23 from 10:00 am - 7:00 pm - Meeting organised by the Armenian youth of Cyprus. Posters and banners will be placed at Eleftherias Square and leaflets will be distributed to passers by.
Sunday April 23 at 7:45 pm - March from Armenia street (Melkonian commercial center traffic lights) to Genocide Memorial Monument at the yard of Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia.
Sunday April 23 at 8:30 pm - Hsgoum - Community Commemoration of the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Keynote speaker Manoug Yeldezian on behalf of the Armenian community of Cyprus.
Monday April 24 at 10:00 am - Badarak at Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in Nicosia followed by a Wreath laying ceremony by Cyprus political parties and community representatives.

PANDA SOFTWARE WEEKLY REPORT 17/04/2006: Every week, Panda Software releases a report summarising the most significant events in the world of computer viruses and intrusions. This week's report examines a malicious code that can infect both Linux and Windows platforms, as well as the vulnerabilities corrected by Microsoft in its latest security bulletins. The malicious code called Biwili.A stands out for its ability to infect both Linux and Windows platforms. Despite claims in the media to the contrary, this capability is not entirely new, as in 2001 a malicious code called "ELF/Winux.2784" appeared which was also able to infect both platforms.
For further information about these and other computer threats, visit Panda Software's Encyclopedia:


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