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06 04 19 - Armenian student, Kild Talat Pasha during the I-st mondial War in 1921, in Barlin
[]1. In 15 March 1921, during the years of First World War, in Berlin, Armenian student Sogomon Teyleryan killed Talat Pasha who was Turkey's Internal Affairs Minister. At Berlin's Law-court process took place only 3 days. Armenian organizations presented the case in the way that in Turkey man hunting, pressures against Armenians occurred during Talat Pasha's ruling time. Those events had negative influence on Armenian student; he was on affect condition and perpetrated this act. Law-court took this argument into consideration and pronounced to S. Teyleryan a verdict of "not guilty".
In September 2003, in Yerevan was solemnly opened monument to S. Teyleryan. (From newspaper Echo 19 march 2005).
In 18 July 1921, in Istanbul, Armenian young man Tolokyan killed Behbud Khan Javanshir who was ex- ADR (Azerbaijan Democratic Republic)'s Internal Affairs Minister. In Istanbul in English Law-court pronounced to Tolokyan a verdict of "not guilty". That he was shocked by of 1918th Baku events. Tolokyan died in USA in 1968. (From newspaper Echo 19 march 2005).
[]2. Letter of destroyed pictures proposed to send to Budapest:
That is what Armenian aggressors did with Azerbaijani living quarters, what were possible they took away, rest of them they fired, destroyed, robbed.
This is Armenian vandalism.
3. Today's condition of Ramil's residential place. Armenians did this.
4. Ramil's homeland Jebrail - district, village were destroyed by Armenians.
5. Pictures of Ramil's relatives who were killed by Armenians, their death certificate.
6. Applying to Budapest.
a) Ramil Safarov is not terrorist. He was showing interest to the science, culture from the childhood. Also he was excellently studying all school subjects. He could not do this act. He was pushed, forced to do this. On behalf of schoolmates.
b) We have blood relationship with Hungarian people. Therefore, you may understand Ramil Safarov's behavior. If he wanted to kill an Armenian then he could have killed one of the 30 thousand Armenians in Baku. In Budapest Armenian officer with insulting behaviors forced him to take this step.
c) If your closed relatives were killed then you would also have understood Ramil Safarov's behavior. He was in a heavy confusion condition. Armenian officers repeatedly presented him abusive video and audiocassettes, books, photo materials where were shown about Armenian's atrocities against Azerbaijanis, about how raping women, about tragic memory of vandalism events in Khodaly district of Azerbaijan. Ramil is a victim of Armenian provocation.
d) Ramil Safarov is not terrorist. He has gone to Budapest as a highly marked officer in the NATO system. Armenians protect their terrorists; in the most times they achieve their desire and earn justification for them. In 1921 they earned justification for a terrorist Teyleryan who killed Talat Pasha a man who was one of the Turkey's top governmental authorities. In the same year, they with earning justification also achieved release from the law-court for a terrorist Tolokyan who killed a man Behbud Khan Javanshir who was ex- ADR (Azerbaijan Democratic Republic)'s Internal Affairs Minister. We never would protect a terrorist. We kindly ask you investigate fairly a case of Ramil Safarov who was known an exemplary student at the NATO courses, trainings, in which condition he was, under which arguments he was forced before he took this step.
e) Ramil Safarov has to be justified. When killed an Armenian officer he was in furious condition. He was under influence of the Armenian vandals committed murderous acts. He became a victim of provocations of Armenian officers who were with him in Budapest courses. Azerbaijan people expect fair justification, verdict of "not guilty" from Budapest law-court.
f) We all watch closely Ramil Safarov's law-court process. We see Armenians trying to press on law-court, trying to achieve the heaviest punishment. If, the punishment will be given to Ramil then this will be the biggest injustice. We know that Armenian officers always were trying to make Ramil lose his patience, to drive him out of his wits. Their aim was to force Ramil to make some other radical steps that will exclude him from courses. With this act they wanted to create a bad impression about Azerbaijan. However, they did not expect that Ramil would take this step. They did not expect that and they became the victim of their dirty intentions. Ramil was furious, in nervous shock conditions. Do not be unfair to Ramil. Azerbaijani people will not be able to accept injustice against Ramil.
g) Armenian vandals killed Ramil Safarov's close relatives. When Armenian vandals killed one of his close relatives after killing they also took his heart out and put it into his hands. Who can stand to this kind of terribly horror, after this horror whose psycho condition will remain stable. Today, necessary to judge not Ramil, but Armenian vandals who brought thousands of Azeri your people to Affected situation, those Armenian killers who violated mass atrocities against Azerbaijanis.
[]All Azerbaijan citizens are being disturbed by the incident, which happened with the officer of the National Army of Azerbaijan Republic Ramil Safarov. He had taken the military training courses by NATO standards in Turkey. During the studying English courses in the National Defense University of Budapest the Armenian officer who studied together with him always was insulted him. Armenian officer always addressed with insulting words to him, to the national symbols of Azerbaijan Republic and to the people who were killed for faith. So as Ramil Safarov is from Cabrail, the region of Azerbaijan Republic which was occupied by armenian. He saw all genocide that made by Armenian in their village.
As a witness of the armenian tragic action against Azerbaijan people, Ramil Safarov had no patience with his behavior, he could not control his nervouse and made this action.
All Azerbaijan citizens believe and sure that the Right Protection Committees of Hungary will hold an inquiry objectively and fairly.


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