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Gibrahayer - More than 250 Cypriots were successfully flown back to Cyprus from Lebanon, in an joint operation staged by the Foreign Ministries of Cyprus and Greece.
The war in Lebanon and the fear of escalation prompted Cypriots who had gone to Lebanon to contact the Cyprus Embassy and seek their advice on alternative methods of leaving the country.
In seven separate groups the Cyprus Embassy arranged the evacuation during last week. In the group of evacuees that left on Thursday night, was the Office Administrator of Armenian MP Vartkes Mahdessian, Nayiri Mouradian and her two sons - Vahakn and Varak - who had gone to Lebanon a week earlier.
GIBRAHAYER e-magazine Nayiri Mouradian - originally from Lebanon, married in Cyprus for two decades - talked to Gibrahayer on the day she arrived. "We were contacted by the Cypriot Consul who arranged for us to gather at the Greek Embassy on Thursday evening at 7:15 pm" she said. "From then on it was a long drive to the Syrian border and everyone was scared because Israeli bombing had not stopped since Wednesday".
The "Thursday convoy" of two buses, draped in Greek flags first arrived in Tripoli at 8:30 pm, then to Tartoos and at 11:00 pm they were at the Syrian border which they crossed from 11:00 - 1:00 am.
Ten hours later they were on the Damascus - Larnaca - Athens flight and at noon they arrived at Larnaca airport and greeted by family and press.
"For people who have not gone through this kind of experience it was very scary. My sons did not stop asking questions throughout the journey. They were frightened but relieved on arrival. As for me I had lived these frightful experiences before and relived them again" concluded Nayiri Mouradian to members of the Cyprus press at Larnaca airport.
Armenian representative in the Cyprus Parliament Vartkes Mahdessian took an active involvement in the assistance and evacuation of Armenian Cypriots from Lebanon and in close co-operation with the Cyprus Ambassador in Lebanon Kyriacos Kouros, helped evacuees reach their destinations safely.
Meanwhile in Armenia, 100 Armenian citizens arrived in Armenia last night with a direct Aleppo-Yerevan flight. Armenian authorities also announced that Armenians from Lebanon would receive a status of 'temporarily protected persons' if they arrived in Yerevan and asked for it.
Thousands of foreign nationals have been using Cypriot ports and airports to flee the war zone, while a number of Lebanese citizens - who had left their country a few weeks ago - used our exit points as entry points back to Lebanon to reunite with their families.

GIBRAHAYER e-magazine
AAP correspondents in Beirut - Members of the Australian “Hamazkayin Sevan Dance Ensemble” stranded in Lebanon have been eventually evacuated through Jordan. 45 young performers and 36 parents and supervisors travelling with them remained bunkered down in their Beirut hotel as the Israeli military continued its attacks on the Lebanese capital.
They eventually crossed the border on buses and travelled to Jordan where accommodation arrangements have been made for a short wait before flying to Sydney. The hush-hush evacuation took place at around 2.00pm Australia time and the buses crossed the border around 4.30pm on Monday.
Cyprus was one of two possible destinations for the Dance Ensemble and on Monday, Cyprus Hamazkayin Chairman Arto Tavitian contacted the Central Executive Offices of Hamazkayin in Beirut to offer the services of the Cyprus Oshagan Branch, if the need arises.
Eventually, between the ferry trip to Cyprus, the road option to Syria and the exodus through Jordan was taken by the Group.
Foreign Minister of Australia Alexander Downer said it was hoped to bus a number of Australians across the border into Syria, and then on to Jordan. A representative of the Dance Ensemble Ms Iskenderian, said that while everyone was in good health the group remain frightened by the bombing and wanted to return home.
for the latest in the War in Lebanon click here , or visit the constantly updated pages of the largest circulation Armenian Daily Aztag's online version. (English and Armenian)


Finally, the Cyprus Branch of the Hnchakian Party called upon the AGBU to open up the gates of Melkonian to Armenian Children of worn-torn Middle East. Should the same appeal not have been directed to the Cyprus AGBU leadership as well?".
tatiana's corner by Tatiana Ferahian

GIBRAHAYER e-magazine

Turkish proverb of the week
"Týrnaðýn varýsa - kaþý baþýný."
Phonetically: Turnayun varusa - kashu bashunu.
Literally: If you have fingernails - scratch your head.
Idiomatically: If you have the resources you can meet your needs.

250 innocent civilians dead, 650 wounded 500,000 refugees fleeing the south 25 bridges destroyed all airports and sea ports bombed no electricity
no fuel complete Air and Sea blockade and partial Land blockade losses estimated to 4 billions dollars (infrastructure, economy, tourism)

(Reporters without borders for press freedom - 19 July, 2006) The Istanbul public prosecutor yesterday opened a new investigation against Hrant Dink, the managing editor of the Armenian-language weekly Agos, this time for referring to the massacre of Armenians in 1915 as genocide.
Dink used the term in a 14 July interview for the British news agency Reuters about his suspended sentence of six months in prison for “insulting Turkish identity.” He could face up to three years in prison if convicted on the new charge.
Related LA Times editorial sent by Vartkes Sinanian. click here

(Gibrahayer 17 July, 2006) Karian Travel have announced that as of July 31, 2006, they will begin chartered flights to Yerevan which will be brought to us by ArmAvia Airlines and Sputnik Travel Agency.
For more information you can contact the following numbers in Limassol, Nicosia and Larnaca: 25316849, 25318949, 22765760, 24643360.

(Source: ABHaber) The European Parliament on Tuesday postponed debates on a draft report entitled "Turkey's Progress Towards Accession" which includes a variety of criticisms of Turkey, until early September.
Debates on the report, prepared by EP Committee on Foreign Affairs Rapporteur and MEP Camiel Eurlings, are now set for an EP session Sept. 4 to 7.
The decision to postpone talks comes after some 400 proposals for amendments to the draft report were submitted. Moreover at Tuesday's session of the EP Foreign Affairs Committee, some members stated that translation of the amendment requests will take a long time. However European diplomats stated that there are many conflicting views surrounding the proposed amendments.
While Eurlings said that more debates about Turkey are necessary, other MEPs recalled the latest developments on Cyprus as well as Turkey's plans to implement certain reforms on women's rights, obligatory religious lessons and religious minorities and requested the inclusion of these developments in the report. Other MEPs noted that the European Commission will also announce a progress report on Turkey and underlined the importance of back-to-back issuing of the two reports.
The draft report criticised a number of issues, including Cyprus, a slowdown in the EU reform process, the situation in the southeast, problems with religious minorities, cultural rights and civil-military relations. It raised particular concerns about the Semdinli incident, during which a bookshop in the southeast was allegedly bombed by members of the security forces, and called for an impartial and objective investigation into the incident.
Turkey's reservations to open its airports and harbours to the Greek Cypriots will have serious implications for the EU process and could even bring it to a halt, warned the draft report. The highly critical report also called on Turkey to take steps towards the recognition of the Greek Cypriot administration during the accession process and raises the idea of an early withdrawal of forces from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). It also calls on the European Council to renew efforts to implement trade regulations with Northern Cyprus.
The EP report severely condemned the killing of Council of State Judge Mustafa Yucel Ozbilgin, expressing concern over the low-level of security offered to judges by the police despite clear and public threats, and called on the government to rectify the situation. The EP also condemned a resurgence of violence in the southeast by the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and stressed that there can never be an excuse for violence against Turkish citizens in any part of the country. The report also expressed solidarity with Turkey in fighting terrorism.
On the Armenian issue, the EP took note of a Turkish proposal to set up a bilateral committee of experts to deal with the tragic experiences of the past and of Armenia's position on the proposal. It also urged the Turkish and Armenian governments to continue their process of reconciliation leading to a mutually acceptable proposal and asked Turkey to take the necessary steps, without any preconditions, to establish diplomatic and good neighbourly relations with Armenia and open the land border as soon as possible.
Armenians in China

Armenians lived in China long before the twentieth century, but because the twentieth century brought us the first Genocide, followed by the Russian revolution, our people fled their respective homes in Turkey and Russian Armenia. The only available road was via Trans-Siberian railroad all the way to Manchuria, the northern province of China.
These Armenians have survived the genocide, the world depression of 1930s, the Japanese occupation of Manchuria in 1932 and the takeover of the country by the Chinese communist army -The Paludiun, i.e. the Eighth Army, headed by Mao-Tse-Tung.
These Armenians rebuilt their lives, formed families, had children, and built a church in the city of Harbin in 1927. They worked hard and gave their children a good education so that the new generation would go ahead and lead productive lives and always keep their identity through their faith, their church and their nation.
click here for the complete article at the website of the Armenian Studies program of the California State University.

news in brief

Turkish Cypriot daily KIBRISLI newspaper (12.07.06) reports that a big fire broke out in occupied Pentadakylos (Sourp Magar Monastery area) and helicopters from Adana and Mersin assisted on extinguishing the fire. The fire destroyed 45 donums of land with pine, cypress, carob and olive trees. The cause of the fire is not yet known.
Azerbaijan's President Heydar Aliyev fired his FM Hasan Hasanov for his involvement in a crooked real estate deal. Hasanov was accused of converting a Turkish financed Foreign Ministry residence into a hotel-casino in Baku. This was linked to a 1996 Turkish scandal that involved collusion among Turkish government figures, mafia bosses, drug lords and corrupt police according to an official Turkish investigative report.


Marcos Baghdatis heads the line-up of players for 11 Zonal ties in the 2006 Davis Cup by BNP Paribas this weekend on 21-23 July. The world No. 10, who has already played 27 ties for Cyprus since making his debut at the age of 14 in 2000, travels to Cairo for the Davis Cup Play-offs against Egypt to help Cyprus avoid relegation.
Zaruhi Harutyunyan results. Click here

Zaruhi Harutyunyan

(Gibrahayer Monday July 17) Armenia's hope in world tennis, Zaruhi Harutyunyan of Armenia bagged her fourth title of 2006 in Scotland, demolishing in the final Anastasia Nebojanko 6-1, 6-2 who in the semi finals had eliminated tournament number one Alexa Guarachi of the United States.
However, Harutyunyan's true determination and champion characteristics in the Scottish Championships emerged in the semi finals - when she fought off all odds - against Caitlin Smith, 7-6(4), 6-7(6),7-5.
A position in the top 200 is now well in her grasp and if she continues this winning tempo her chase for a Grand Slam participation may come much sooner than we all anticipate.
For Zaruhi Harutyunyan's activity in 2006 - click here
Laiki Bank Strovolos Industrial Area, Stavrou 96 I, 2034, Strovolos:
Account No. 101-08-037631 for Zaruhi Harutyunyan under Simon Aynedjian
International transfers at IBAN CY30 0030 0101 0000 0101 0803 7631
Swift Code address LIKICY2N
gibrahayer calendar
Wednesday July 19, 2006 - Commemoration of the 32nd anniversary of the Turkish invasion to Cyprus at the Presidential Palace Garden. Main Speaker President Tassos Papadopoulos. Concert by George Dalaras.
Sunday July 23 - Annual traditional Khanasori Arshavank celebrations organised by ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus Committee, and affiliate organisations. Venue: Last year's picnic site at "Loumada ton Aeton."
Sunday 16-30 July - Hamazkayin Forum - Yerevan - Armenia. Visit the Hamazkayin Forum site at:
12 - 30 July - Khalkidiki Summer Camp organised by the ARS of Greece for 12 - 16 year old Armenians. Sosse Chapter of ARS (HOM) Sosse Cyprus announce that 18 Armenian youth from Cyprus are participating.

Panda Panda Software has released the beta version of its new consumer solution Panda Antivirus 2007. This new product is a latest-generation antivirus solution designed for home users whose online activity does not require all the services and features of a complete security suite. For this reason, it is especially designed to ‘install and forget’ and barely uses any system resources. This makes it the lightest antivirus solution in Panda Software’s range of consumer solutions, without renouncing the most complete protection for home users against viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, etc.
For the beta version please click

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