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31 10 2008 - Fetie Cetin l'autrice del libro (tradotto anche in italiano col titolo "Heranush,mia nonna" 2007-ALET Edizioni)
Fetie Cetin l'autrice del libro (tradotto anche in italiano col titolo "Heranush,mia nonna" 2007-ALET Edizioni) è in visita per la prima volta in Armenia. La sua visita èra prevista due anni fà insieme al giornalista armeno Hrant Dink poco prima dell'assasssinio del giornalista .

L'accompagnano la figlia Baydsar di Hrant Dink e il fratello di Dink.

Solo pochi anni prima della morte la nonna aveva rivelato la sua vera identità armena e il suo vero nome, Heranush, raccontando la vera storia di tante bambine come lei rapite da kurdi e turchi durante il genocidio.........

Il libro fù pubblicato anche in Turchia e la storia sconvolse non solo lei ma i lettori turchi ......

Il libro è stato tradotto in più lingue armeno, italiano, inglese, francese.

Cetin è anche avvovato di professione e difende gli interessi della famiglia di Hrant Dink..

Armenian Genocide


Fethie Cetin, Turkish publicist, lawyer and writer, visited Armenia.

During a meeting with the students of Yerevan State University, her first book "My grandmother" was presented.

The author portrays episodes of Armenians’ evictions, exile and massacres by the testimony of her grandmother Hranush Katarian.

Hranush Katarian that was known by the name Sher only several years before her death confessed to her granddaughter that she was Armenian. She told how Kurds and Turks had kidnapped the Armenian children and she had been among them.

Cetin told that she was shocked because of her grandmother’s story.

The book embraces also the author’s assessment of the denial of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey.

Cetin told that after publication of the book many Armenians called her telling similar stories of their own. According to her, the responses were not only from Armenians but also from Turks.

She spoke of the letters of Turkish readers where they express great regret and disappointment.

The author is sure that the book is a call to eliminate the 93-year unfairness. Besides Turkey and Armenia, the book is published also in the USA, France and Italy.

Fethiye Cetin, a lawyer by profession, is the defender of the interests of "Akos" newspaper’s Editor-in-chief Hrant Dink’s family.

Asso. Armeni

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